Peterson, Mary A. , Barbara Gillam & H.A. Sedgwick - In the Mi

Titel: In the Mind's Eye. Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world.
ISBN: 9780195176919
Taal: Nederlands
Uitgever: London, Oxford University Press Inc
Bijzonderheden: 2007, Hardcover with Dust Jacket, 656 pp., illustrated edition., New.
Prijs: € 51,55
Verzendkosten: € 5,95 (binnen Nederland)
Meer info:
How can we best describe the processes by which we visually perceive our environment? Contemporary perceptual theory still lacks a coherent theoretical position that encompasses both the limitations on the information that can be retained from a single eye fixation and the abundant phenomenal and behavioural evidence for the perception of an extended and coherent world. As a result, many leading theorists and researchers in visual perception are turning with new or renewed interest to the work of Julian Hochberg. For over 50 years, in his own experimental research, in his detailed consideration of examples drawn from a wide range of visual experiences and activities, and most of all in his brilliant and sophisticated theoretical analyses, Hochberg has persistently engaged with the myriad problems inherent in working out the kind of coherent theoretical position the field currently lacks. The complexity of his thought and the wide range of areas into which Hochberg has pursued the solution to this central problem have, however, limited both the accessibility of his work and the appreciation of his accomplishment. In this volume we seek to bring the full range of Hochberg's work to the attention of a wider audience by offering a selection of his key works, many taken from out-of-print or relatively inaccessible sources. To facilitate the understanding of his accomplishment, and of what his work has to offer to contemporary researchers and theorists in visual perception, we include commentaries on salient aspects of his work by 20 noted researchers. In the Mind's Eye will be of interest to researchers working on topics such as perceptual organisation, visual attention, space perception, motion perception, visual cognition, the relationship between perception and action, picture perception, and film, who are striving to obtain a deeper understanding of their own fields, and who want to integrate this understanding into a broader, unified view of visual perceptual processing.
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Peterson, Mary A. , Barbara Gillam &  H.A. Sedgwick - In the Mind's Eye. Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world. Peterson, Mary A. , Barbara Gillam &  H.A. Sedgwick - In the Mind's Eye. Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world. Peterson, Mary A. , Barbara Gillam &  H.A. Sedgwick - In the Mind's Eye. Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world. Peterson, Mary A. , Barbara Gillam &  H.A. Sedgwick - In the Mind's Eye. Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world. Peterson, Mary A. , Barbara Gillam &  H.A. Sedgwick - In the Mind's Eye. Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world. Peterson, Mary A. , Barbara Gillam &  H.A. Sedgwick - In the Mind's Eye. Julian Hochberg on the perception of pictures, films, and the world.

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