Stephanie Clark, Janet Ericksen, Shannon Godlove (eds) - Source

Titel: Sources of Knowledge in Old English and Anglo-Latin Literature. Studies in Honour of Charles D. Wright
Uitgever: , Brepols, 2023
Bijzonderheden: Hardback, 460 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, 3 col., 8 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503604428.
Prijs: € 120,00
Verzendkosten: € 6,99 (binnen België)
Meer info:
Summary This volume positions source scholarship as integral to an understanding of the transmission of knowledge across intellectual, social, and material networks in early medieval England. Essays in this collection situate source studies in Old English and Anglo-Latin literature within a range of theoretical and methodological approaches as varied as disability studies, feminist theory, history of science, and network analysis, tracing how ideas move across cultures and showing how studying sources enables us to represent the diversity of medieval voices embedded in any given text. The essays in this volume extend the work of Charles D. Wright, who mentored a generation of scholars in methodologies of source study. The essays are organized into three sections. The first demonstrates how source studies facilitate tracing ideas across space and time. The second explores what happens to texts and ideas when they are transmitted from one culture, language, or historical moment to another. The third shows how sources illuminate wider cultural discourses. The volume attests to the flexibility of source work for early medieval English literature and argues for increased access to the tools that make such work possible. TABLE OF CONTENTS Sources of Knowledge: A Reflection on Charles D. Wright's Career THOMAS N. HALL Introduction STEPHANIE CLARK, JANET SCHRUNK ERICKSEN, and SHANNON GODLOVE I. Networks of Knowledge lfric's Traditions about the Apostles and Media Networks BRANDON HAWK Reading Lyric I of the Old English Advent Lyrics as Form-of-Life JOHANNA KRAMER Bede's Books Don't Tell Lies: Named Sources, Unideal Readers, and Bede's Welsh Reception JOSHUA BYRON SMITH lfric's Leitwortstil: Repetition and Autoreferentiality as Adaptive Techniques in the Old English Esther SAMANTHA ZACHER Source Study and the Inconclusive Result: The Case of Candidus Witto's De passione Domini CHRISTOPHER A. JONES II. Translation and Transformation of Knowledge Christ as Doorkeeper in Genesis A THOMAS N. HALL Spiritual Virtues, Unseen Spaces, and the Optics of Authority in Early Medieval English Accounts of Judith JILL FITZGERALD Bede, Cuthbert, and Cuthwine: Conlectores at Monkwearmouth-Jarrow FREDERICK M. BIGGS A Source for a 'Homily' in Byrhtferth's Enchiridion STEPHEN PELLE The Digressions in Andreas THOMAS D. HILL From Eriugena to Dostoyevsky: Christian Universalism in Hiberno-Latin Contexts and its Continued Significance PAUL A.K. SIEWERS III. Bodies of Knowledge Translatio medicinae: Mediterranean Sources in an English Climate RENE R. TRILLING Medievalism, Medicine, and William Somner's Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum REBECCA BRACKMANN Modblind and Unl d: Disability, Intersectionality, and Typology in the Old English Andreas AMITY READING Swallowed and Forgotten: Christ III and the Mouth of Hell in Early Medieval England JILL HAMILTON CLEMENTS Index
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Stephanie Clark, Janet Ericksen, Shannon Godlove (eds) - Sources of Knowledge in Old English and Anglo-Latin Literature. Studies in Honour of Charles D. Wright

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