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B. J. Miller , Shoshana Berger 126497 - A Beginner's Guide to the End

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Afbeelding: B. J. Miller ,  Shoshana Berger 126497 - A Beginner's Guide to the End
Schrijver: B. J. Miller , Shoshana Berger 126497
Titel: A Beginner's Guide to the End
ISBN: 9781529403916
Uitgever: Quercus
Bijzonderheid: Goed, 2019, Gekartonneerd, 544p
Prijs: € 12,50
€ 4,50
Meer info \"I wish I'd had this book when I needed it. Death and dying are not subjects that many people are comfortable talking about, but it's hugely important to be as prepared as you can be - emotionally, physically, practically, financially, and spiritually. This book may be the most important guide you could have.\" - Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love___________ The end of a life can often feel like a traumatic, chaotic and inhuman experience. In this reassuring and inspiring book, palliative care physician Dr BJ Miller and writer Shoshana Berger provide a vision for rethinking and navigating this universal process. There are plenty of self-help books for mourners, but nothing in the way of a modern, approachable and above all useful field guide for the living. And all of us - young, old, sick and well - could use the help. After all, pregnant couples have ample resources available to them as they prepare to bring a new life into the world: Lamaze courses, elaborate birth plans, tons of manuals. Why don't we have a What to Expect When You're Expecting to Die book? An accessible, beautifully designed and illustrated companion, A Beginner's Guide to the End offers a clear-eyed and compassionate survey of the most pressing issues that come up when one is dying, and will bring optimism and practical guidance to empower readers with the knowledge, resources and tools they'll need to die better, maybe even with triumph.
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