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1975-76. Annual Report of the Department of Archaeology Museums Goverment of Andhra Pradesh. 1975-76. Hyderabad, 1986 43 pp. B./w. ills. Hardcover. € 25.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A bibliography of Ladakh. Bray,John. A bibliography of Ladakh. Warminster, Aris Phillips, 1988 153 pp. Orig. hardcover, d./j. € 30.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A Catalogue of the Indian c... Rapson,Edward James. A Catalogue of the Indian coins in the British Museum: Coins of the Andhra Dynasty the Western Ksatrapas the Trai Kutaka Dynasty and the Bodhi Dynasty. Rajendra Nagar, 1990 CCVIII,268 pp. 21 plts. Cloth,d/j. - Jacket sl. worn. € 20.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A catalogue of the Vijayana... Ramesan,N. A catalogue of the Vijayanagar coins of the Andhra Pradesh Governement Museum. Hyderabad, 1979 131 pp. 21 plts. Soft cover. € 25.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A collection of the inscrip... Butterworth,Alan V.V.Chetty. A collection of the inscriptions on copper-plates and stones in the Nellore District. Madras, 1990 3 vols. XI,1520 pp. Boards. € 55.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A comparative study of Adi ... Chowdhury,J.N. A comparative study of Adi religion. Shillong, North-East frontier agency, 1971.127 pp B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover. € 25.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A dictionary of Hindu archi... Acharya,P.K. A dictionary of Hindu architecture. Treating of Sanskrit architectural terms [...]. New Delhi, 1981 XX,861 pp. Cloth, d/j. (Manasara series - Vol. I). € 35.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A Forest flora for Kumaon. Osmaston,.A.E. A Forest flora for Kumaon. Delhi, 1978 XXXIV,605 pp. Cloth,d/j.D/j slightly damaged. € 35.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A Gazetteer of the territor... Thornton,Edward. A Gazetteer of the territories under the Government of the East-India Compagny and the native states on the continent of India. Delhi, 1858 [ Reprint Delhi, 1993] 1014 pp. 1 fold. map. Boards. € 17.50 Antiquariaat Kok
A Gazetteer of the territor... Thornton,Edward. A Gazetteer of the territories under the Government of the East-India Compagny and the native states on the continent of India. Delhi, 1858 [ Reprint Delhi, 1984] 1014 pp. 1 fold. map. Cloth, seriously stained. € 17.50 Antiquariaat Kok
A golden treasury. Jeweller... Stronge,Susan, a.o. A golden treasury. Jewellery from the Indian Subcontinent. New York, Rizzoli, 1988 144 pp. Col. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Dustjacket worn around the edges sl. dam at spine. Corn... € 20.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A guide to source materials... Singh,Amar Kaur Jasbir. A guide to source materials in the India Office Library and Records for the history of Tibet, Sikkim and Bhutan 1765-1950. London, The British Library, 1988 187 pp. Orig. hardcover. - Spine-ends corners very sl. worn. Otherwise fine. € 60.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A Handbook for Travellers i... A Handbook for Travellers in India, Burma and Ceylon including the Provinces of Bengal, Bombay, Madras [...]. 7th edition. London, Hohn Murray, 1909 CXVI, 528 pp. Lithogr. maps. Hardcover. Corners spine-eneds worn. € 175.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A History of the Great Revolt. Kaye,John William. A History of the Great Revolt. Delhi, 1988 3 vols. XIV,656.692,684 pp. Cloth,d/j. € 40.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A history of Urdu literature. Saksena,Ram Babu. A history of Urdu literature. New Delhi, 1990 IV,379 pp. Boards. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A Lifetime in Chroreography. Rao,Maya. A Lifetime in Chroreography. Bengaluru, Kannada Bhavana, 2013 195 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. - Date annot. in ink on first end-paper. € 60.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A Memoir of Central India i... Malcolm,John. A Memoir of Central India including Malwa and adjoining provinces with the history. 3rd edition. London, 1832 [Reprint Shannon, 1972]. 2 vols. XVI,580,IV,547 pp. Illustr. Cloth. Some foxing. € 60.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A Merchant venturer among t... Ainsworth,Leopold. A Merchant venturer among the Sea Gipsies. Being a Pioneer's account of life on an island in the Mergui Archipelago. London, 1930 X,279 pp. Plts. Hardcover. - Stamp annot. in ink on first endpaper. € 50.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A pelgrimage to the Nagas. Ganguli,Milada. A pelgrimage to the Nagas. New Delhi, 1984 XVI,275 pp. 30 plts ills. Boards,d/j. € 10.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A pictorial guide to the bi... Ali,Sálim S.D.Ripley. A pictorial guide to the birds of the Indian subcontinent. Bombay, 1983 176 pp. 105 col. plts. Hardcover. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A Picturesque Tour along th... FORREST, [Charles Ramus] A Picturesque Tour along the Rivers Ganges and Jumna, in India: consisting of Twenty-four highly finished and coloured views, a map, and vignettes, from original drawings made on the spot; Illustrations, historical and descriptive. [Reprint]. (meer info) CITIBANK Consumer Services Group India 1987, 34 x 28.5 cm. [4],viii,[],69 pp. Half-leather. With folding map illustrations in colour € 60.00 kAdeBoeken button
A Pillared Hall from a Temp... Brown,W.Norman. A Pillared Hall from a Temple at Madura, India in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. New Delhi, Reprint 1975 XII,88 pp. Ills. 62 b./w. figs on plts. Hardcover. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A Pillared Hall from a temp... Brown,W.Norman A Pillared Hall from a temple at Madura,India in the Philadephia Museum of Art. Philadelphia, 1940 88 pp. 62 figs. Cloth. € 20.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A record of the Buddhist Re... I-Tsing. A record of the Buddhist Religion as practised in India and the Malay Archipelago (A.D. 671-695). Taipei, 1970 LXIV, 240 pp. 1 folding map. Hardcover. € 35.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A revised handbook to the f... Dassanayake,M.D. F.R.Fosberg. A revised handbook to the flora of Ceylon. Vol. II. Washington, 1981 511 pp ills. Boards,d/j. Page 4-386 dealing on Orchids. € 175.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A statistical account of Be... Hunter,William W. A statistical account of Bengal. Reprint Dehli, 1973 Vol. 1 - 20. Bound in not uniforms red reddish brown bindings. - Two volumes sl. soiled.Complete se... € 250.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A statistical account of Be... Hunter,W.W. A statistical account of Bengal. London 1875 [Reprint, Delhi, 1973]. XX,404 pp. Hardcover. € 25.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A statistiscal account of A... Hunter,W.W. A statistiscal account of Assam. Volume 1 2. London, Trübner Co., 1879 [Reprint - Delhi, B.R Publishing Co., 1975]. 2 vols. X,420; 490 pp. 1 fold. map. Orig. hardcovers, no d./j. - Fold. map sl... € 75.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A study of the Mundas villa... Sugiyama,Koichi. A study of the Mundas village life in India. Hill peoples surrounding in Ganges Plain. Tokyo, Tokai Univ Press, 1969. 292 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover.(Synthetic research of the culture of rice-cultivat... € 35.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A Treatise on the laws and ... Hayley,Frederick Austin. A Treatise on the laws and customs of the Sinhalese including th portions still surviving under the name Kandayan Law. Colombo, 1923 XLVXCVIII,565,95 pp. Modern hardcover. € 225.00 Antiquariaat Kok
A Vision of Splendour  Indi... THEUNS-DE BOER,G. A Vision of Splendour Indian Heritage in the Photographs of Jean Philippe Vogel 1903-1913 (meer info) New Delhi 2008 Hard cover 24 x 29 cm.[oblong] 192 pag. met 150 foto's. € 20.00 asia(photo)bookstore
A visit to the Court of Sinde. Burnes,James. A visit to the Court of Sinde. Karachi, 1974 XXVIII,146 pp. Ills. Cloth,d/j. € 35.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Abstände und Schlussvokalve... Janert,Klaus L. Abstände und Schlussvokalverzeichnungen in Asoka-Inschriften. Wiesbaden, Steiner Verlag, 1972 273 pp. 107 Collotype plates. Hardcover. (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschlan... € 75.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Acht und sechzigste continu... Francken,Gotthilf August. Acht und sechzigste continuation Des Berichts der Königl. Dänischen Missionarien in Ost-Indien, Worinnen Derselben Tage-Register von der andern hälfte des 1747sten Jahrs nebst einigen Briefen von Tranckenbar, mit einem doppelten Anhange Von de... Halle, Verlegung des Waysenhauses, 1750 209-230 1253-1410 pp. Original mid-18th century wrappers covered in decorative brocade paper (gilt ... € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Across the roof of the worl... Etherton,P.T. Across the roof of the world. A record of sport and travel through Kahsmir, Gilgit, Hunza, The Pamirs, Chinese Turkistan, Mongolia and Siberia. London, constable and Company LTD, 1911 XIII,(2),429 pp. 1 photo-engr. frontispiece (portrait of the author), b./w. photogr. folded lithogr... € 590.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Ajanta, Ellora and Aurangab... Gupte,Ramesh S. Ajanta, Ellora and Aurangabad caves. Bombay, 1962 XX,288 pp. 150 plts. Boards, d/j. Dust jacket worn. € 25.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Akha und Meau. Probleme der... Bernatzik,Hugo A. Akha und Meau. Probleme der angewandten Völkerkunde in Hinterindien. Innsbruck, 1947 2 vols. 568 pp. 108 ills. Hardcovers. € 20.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Akuab district. Volume A. Burma Gazetteer. Akuab district. Volume A. Rangoon 1957. 261 pp. H.cloth.Xerox copy. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Als Tierfänger im Hochland ... Wiele,Hermann. Als Tierfänger im Hochland von Kaschmir. Lpzg., 1930 142 pp. Illustr. Cloth. € 17.50 Antiquariaat Kok
Amaravati sculptures in the... Sivaramamurti,C. Amaravati sculptures in the Madras Government Museum. Madras, 1977 XVIII,376 pp. 65 b./w. plts. Hardcover. (Bull. of the Madras Govern. Museum - New Series, IV). € 40.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Amerika tegen China De nieu... Jude Woodward 170659 Amerika tegen China De nieuwe Koude Oorlog?, (meer info) Epo, Uitgeverij Goed, Paperback € 18.50
€ 4,50
De Slegte Antwerpen-wapper
An account of the district ... Buchanan,Francis. An account of the district of Purnea in 1809-1810. Patna, 1928 [Reprint New Delhi, 1986]. 620 pp. XLVII pp. 1 fold. map. Cloth,d/j. - Jacket discol. € 17.50 Antiquariaat Kok
An account of the district ... Buchanan,Francis. An account of the district of Shahabad in 1812-13. Patna, 1934 [Reprint New Delhi, 1986]. IV,444 pp. 1 large fold. map. Cloth. € 17.50 Antiquariaat Kok
An account of the Kingdom o... Elphinstone,Mountstuart. An account of the Kingdom of Caubul and its dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India. Bio-bibliographical notes by Alfred Janata. Graz, Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1969 XXI, 671 pp. [14] col. b./w. plts + 1 large folding map. Orig. hardcover (mustard yellow cloth, gil... € 40.00 Antiquariaat Kok
An archaeological history o... Finegan,Jack. An archaeological history of religions of Indian Asia. New York, Paragon House, 1989 XXVII,734 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. - Sl. foxed on the edges. € 40.00 Antiquariaat Kok
An archaeological tour in G... Stein,M.Aurel. An archaeological tour in Gedrosia. New Delhi, 1999 II,211 pp. Plts Maps. Boards. (Memoirs of the Archaeol. Survey of India 43). € 25.00 Antiquariaat Kok
An architectural survey of ... Sarkar,H. An architectural survey of Temples of Kerala. Delhi, 1978 XV,296 pp. 75 plts. Cloth. (Archaeol. survey of India). € 50.00 Antiquariaat Kok
An encyclopaedia of Indian ... Ghosh,A. An encyclopaedia of Indian archaeology. I: Subjects. II: A gazetteer of explored and excavated sites in India. Leiden, N.Y Köln, EJ Brill, 1990. 2 vols. 413,470 pp. 56 figs. Hardcvovers. € 125.00 Antiquariaat Kok
An Englishman defends mothe... Wood,Ernest. An Englishman defends mother India. 2nd edition. London,1930 475 pp. Plts. Boards, worn. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
An Hinterindiens Riesenströ... Brunhuber,Robert. An Hinterindiens Riesenströmen. Mit einem Vorwort von Sven Hedin. Berlin, Franz Ledermann, 1912 120 pp. B./w. ills. 1 fold. map in 2 parts. Orig. softcover. - Top of spine dam. Spine edges discol... € 50.00 Antiquariaat Kok

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