Second World War Military aviation, air force

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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Boekwinkel
Erkennungszeichen der Flugz... N/A, Erkennungszeichen der Flugzeuge aller Länder und Flugformationen der Luftwaffe. (meer info) Stuttgart, Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, 1936. 6. Auflage. 16 pp. With large fold. col. plate depicting 39 foreign aircraft and their insignia with... € 75.00 Charbo
MacArthurs Air Force Americ... Bill Yenne MacArthurs Air Force American Airpower over the Pacific and the Far East, 194151 (meer info) Osprey Publishing Conditie: Als nieuw € 22.05
€ 2,95
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Mexicans at War. Mexican Mi... Flores, Santiago A. Mexicans at War. Mexican Military Aviation in the Second World War 1941-1945 (meer info) Helion & Company Paperback; 2019; 232 pp.; Conditie: Nieuw € 25.00
€ 5,70
Dutch Aviation Pubns
RAF Fighter Command Losses ... Franks, Norman L.R. RAF Fighter Command Losses of the Second World War Volumes 1 - 2 - 3 (meer info) Midland Publishing Limited soft cover, per deel 168 pagina's met enkele foto's en veel tabellen/overzichten € 55.00
€ 7,70
Royal Air Force - Coastal C... McNeill, Ross Royal Air Force - Coastal Command Losses of the Second World War (meer info) Midland Counties Publications Volume 1 - Aircraft and Crew Losses 1939-1941 € 17.50
€ 3,85
Rick Llinares - Warfighters 2 Rick Llinares Warfighters 2 (meer info) Schiffer Military Conditie: Als nieuw € 32.70
€ 2,95
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Patrick Bishop - Wings Patrick Bishop Wings (meer info) Atlantic Books Conditie: Als nieuw € 34.60
€ 2,95
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