Archaeology Orient Ivory Archeologie Oriënt Ivoor

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A catalogue of the Nimrud i... Barnett,R.D. [L.G.Davies]. A catalogue of the Nimrud ivories with other examples of ancient Near Eastern ivories in the British Museum. With a supplement by Leri Glynne Davies. 2nd rev. ed. [London], British Museum Publications Ltd., [1975] XXII,262 pp. Col. frontispiece, 106 b./w. figs 150 plts with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (red cloth... € 200.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Early ivories from Samaria. Crowfoot,John Winter Grace M.Crowfoot. Early ivories from Samaria. London, Palestine Exploration Fund, 1938 XV,62 pp. Col. frontispiece, 1 b./w. map, 16 b./w. figs 25 b./w. plts. Orig. hardcover (blue cloth,... € 38.50 Antiquariaat Kok
Equestrian bridle-harness o... Orchard,J.J. Equestrian bridle-harness ornaments. Catalogue plates London, The British School of Archaeology in Iraq (Gertrude Bell Memorial),, 1967 IV,47 pp. 46 plts with 211 b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. (Ivories from Nimrod 1949-1963, Fasc. ... € 20.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Furniture from SW.7 fort Sh... Mallowan,Max E.L. G.Herrmann. Furniture from SW.7 fort Shalmaneser. London, 1974 120 pp. 111 plates. Hardcover, d/j. (Ivories from Nimrud (1949-1963), Fascicule III) € 22.50 Antiquariaat Kok
Inventaire commenté des ivo... Decamps de Mertzenfeld,C. Inventaire commenté des ivoires Phéniciens et apparentés découverts dans le Proche-Orient. Ouvrage couronné par l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Prix du Budget, 1951). [COMPLETE SET OF TWO VOLUMES]. Paris, E de Boccard, 1954. 2 vols: XI,187 pp. 1 b./w. map. Softcover (printed wrappers).. 4to. (= text volume... € 125.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Inventaire commenté des ivo... Decamps de Mertzenfeld,C. Inventaire commenté des ivoires Phéniciens et apparentés découverts dans le Proche-Orient. Ouvrage couronné par l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (Prix du Budget, 1951). [COMPLETE SET OF TWO VOLUMES]. Paris, E de Boccard, 1954. 2 vols: XI,187 pp. 1 b./w. map. (= text volume) + [1] page text (list of plates) ... € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Ivories from room SW 37 for... Herrmann,Georgina. Ivories from room SW 37 fort Shalmaneser. Commentary and catalogue. London, 1986 2 vols. [6],276, 22 pp. 423 plts (1 col.). Hardcovers, d./j. (Ivories from Nimrod IV/1 2) € 75.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Ivories in Assyrian style. ... Mallowan,Max E.L. Leri G.Davies. Ivories in Assyrian style. Commentary, catalogue and plates. London, The British School of Archaeology in Iraq (Gertrude Bell Memorial), 1970 V,60 pp. 46 plates with b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover (beige loth with gilt letering), d./j. 4to. (Ivo... € 20.00 Antiquariaat Kok
North Syria in the early fi... Winter,Orene J. North Syria in the early first Millennium B.C. with special reference to Ivory Carving, Columbia Univ., 1973 632 pp. Plts. Privately bound softcover. (UMI Service Dissertation). . Privately bound softcover by ... € 75.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Studi sugli avori di Ziwye. Mazzoni,Stefania. Studi sugli avori di Ziwye. Roma, 1977 280 pp. 34 plts. Soft cover. (Studi Semitici 49). € 100.00 Antiquariaat Kok

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