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Azië China Theologie

12 titels gevonden met de huidige zoekopdracht

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Buddhism under MAO. Welch,Holmes. Buddhism under MAO. Cambridge, 1972 666 pp. 59 ills. Cloth. € 100.00 Antiquariaat Kok
De herder van Guangzhou / D... Jobse, A. De herder van Guangzhou / Ds. Samuel Lamb en de ondergrondse kerk in China (meer info) Erdee Media Groep – Uitgeverij de Banier, 2022 paperback, net exemplaar € 6.50 boekverkoper
Empire of emptiness. Buddhi... Berger,Patricia. Empire of emptiness. Buddhist art and political authority in Qing China. Honolulu, 2003 266 pp. Hardcover, d./j. € 250.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Handbook of Christianty in ... Standaert,Nicolas. (ed.) Handbook of Christianty in China. Volume One: 635-1800. Leiden, Brill, 2001 964 pp. Orig. hardcover. (Handbuch der Orientalistiek. 4. Abt.- Band XV/1). € 250.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Manuel des superstitions ch... Doré,Henry. Manuel des superstitions chinoises ou petit indicateur des superstitions les plus communes en Chine. Paris, 1970 V,230 pp. Hardcover. € 30.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Mémoires sur les bienséance... Couvreur,Séraphin. [transl.]. Mémoires sur les bienséances et les cérémonies. Paris, [1950] 2 vols in 4 parts. VI,788, [1],848 pp. Softcovers. - Front cover of vol. I.1 a bit damaged. (Textes... € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Recherches sur les supersti... Doré,Henry. Recherches sur les superstitions en Chine. Vol. XVI. Paris, 1995 389 pp. Ills. Softcover. (Confuceisme, Bouddhisme Taoisme Vols. 4)Reprint of the often missing vol ... € 50.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Religious revival In the Ti... Wellens,Koen. Religious revival In the Tibetan borderlands. The Premi of Southwest China. Seattle, Univ of Washington Press, 2010. 278 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, no d./j. (Studies On Ethnic Groups I... € 60.00 Antiquariaat Kok
The Arhats in China and Jap... Visser,Martinus Willem de. The Arhats in China and Japan. [First edition]. Berlin, Oesterheld Co., 1923 215 pp. 34 b./w. figs on 16 plts. Rebound in quarter leather binding (red mor. with letterpiece on s... € 125.00 Antiquariaat Kok
The great state of white an... Dunnell,Ruth W. The great state of white and high. Buddhism and state formation in Eleventh-Century Xia. Honolulu, Univ of Hawai'i Press, 1996. 278 pp. B./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. € 50.00 Antiquariaat Kok
The Religious System in  Ch... Groot, The Religious System in China. In ancient forms, evolution, history and present aspect. Manners, customs and social institutions connected therewith. Taipei, 1976 2 vols in 6. Text ills. Hardcover. Book I: Disposal of the Dead. Book II: On the Soul and Ancestral... € 250.00 Antiquariaat Kok
The Religious System of Chi... [China]. Groot, J.J.M. de. The Religious System of China, its Ancient Forms, Evolution, History and Present Aspect, Manners, Customs and Social Institutions connected Therewith. [Rare complete first edition set in six volumes]. (meer info) Leyden, E.J. Brill, 1892-1910, 1st ed., 6 volumes, plates, disbound (vols.1-3)/ contemporary giltlet... € 750.00
€ 5,50
Fahrenheit 451

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