Birds Latin America Peru Vogels Latijns Amerika

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Bird islands of Peru. The r... Murphy,Robert Cushman. Bird islands of Peru. The record of a Sojourn of the West Coast. N.Y & London, 1925. XX,362 pp. Ills. Cloth. € 17.50 Antiquariaat Kok
The birds of Chile and adja... Johnson,A.W. The birds of Chile and adjacent regions of Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. Buenos Aires, 1965-1967 2 vols. 398,447 pp. Ills. Boards. € 75.00 Antiquariaat Kok
The birds of Chile and adja... Johnson,A.W. The birds of Chile and adjacent regions of Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. Buenos Aires, 1965-1967 2 vols. 398,447 pp. Ills. Hardcovers. - Spine cracked. Small stamp. € 75.00 Antiquariaat Kok
The birds of the department... Koepcke,Maria. The birds of the department of Lima, Peru. Revised and Enlarged. Wynnewood, 1970 144 pp. Figs. Hardcover, d./j. € 5.00 Antiquariaat Kok

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