Dendrology Fruits Dendrologie Fruit

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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Boekwinkel
Aepfel und Birnen. Die wich... Goethe,R., H.Degenkolb R.Mertens. Aepfel und Birnen. Die wichtigsten deutschen Kernobstsorten. Berlin, 1894 Text 104 Chromolithogr.plts. Orig. cloth binding, corners sl. worn. - One owner's stamp on first en... € 500.00 Antiquariaat Kok
American fruits. Their prop... Fraser,Samuel. American fruits. Their propagation, cultivation, harvesting and distribution. N.Y London, 1924. XV,888 pp. 172 figs. Cloth. € 57.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Anbau der Hülsenfrüchte. Fruwirth,C. Anbau der Hülsenfrüchte. Berlin, 1914 75 text-ills. Hardcover. - Stamp on end-paper. (Thaer-Bibliothek). € 25.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Annales de Pomologie Belge ... Commission Royale de Pomologie (publ.). Annales de Pomologie Belge et étrangère. Première [] deuxième annee. Bruxelles, F Parent, 1853-1854. 2 vols. in 1. XXIII,121;(6),113 pp. 96 fine chromolithographed plates finished wi... € 4500.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Anzucht und wirklich ration... Pekrun,Arthur. Anzucht und wirklich rationeller Schnitt aller Obstbaumformen. Pfirsichschnitt und Weinschnitt. Erfurt, n.d (ca. 1910-1920) 168 pp. 160 ills. Hardcover. (Gartenführer-Bibliothek 1) € 10.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Atlas der Krankheiten und B... Kirchner,O H.Botlshauser. Atlas der Krankheiten und Beschädigungen unserer landwirtschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen. V: Obstbäume. 2nd edition. Stuttgart, 1923 Text 30 lithographed plates. Portfolio. € 30.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Atlas der Krankheiten und B... Kirchner,O H.Botlshauser., Atlas der Krankheiten und Beschädigungen unserer landwirtschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen. V: Obstbäume. Stuttgart, 1899 Text 30 lithogr. plts. Portfolio. € 30.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Atti III Congresse Nazional... Atti III Congresse Nazionale di Frutticultura. Firenze, 1949 2 vols. 478,112 pp. Plts. Soft cover. € 230.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Sudrabs,J. - Auglkopiba. Sudrabs,J. Auglkopiba. Riga, 1960 679 pp. 190 ills. Cloth. € 70.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Ausgewählte Werke. Mitchourine,Ivan Vl. Ausgewählte Werke. Moscou, 1951 492 pp. 200 figs 7 col. plts. Cloth. € 68.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Beerenobst. Anbau im Garten. Vanicek,Karl-H. Beerenobst. Anbau im Garten. 2.Aufl Berlin, 1989. 208 pp. 129 ills 8 col.plts. Soft cover - yellowed. € 5.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bijdragen tot de kennis der... Beijerinck,W. en A.J ter Pelwijk. Bijdragen tot de kennis der Nederlandse Bramen. Wijster, 1950-1952 3 vols. 16,9,8 pp. Ills. Softcover. - Name on frontcover.I: Voornaamste Bramen in het Drentse Distri... € 17.50 Antiquariaat Kok
Blackberries in New England... Brainerd,Erza A.K.Peitersen. Blackberries in New England. Their classification. Burlington, 1920 84 pp. 36 plts. Soft cover. (Vermont Agr. Exp. Station - Bulletin 217). € 25.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Blueberry culture. Eck,Paul N.F.Childers. Blueberry culture. New Brunswick New Jersey, 1966 XX,378 pp. 35 tables 90 figs. Cloth. € 34.00 Antiquariaat Kok
 - Bulletins d´Arboriculture. Bulletins d´Arboriculture. Gand, 1877 384 pp. 12 col. lithogr. plts. Cloth. € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
 - Bulletins d´Arboriculture. Bulletins d´Arboriculture. Gand, 1878 384 pp. 12 col. lithogr. plts. Cloth. € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bulletins d'Arboriculture, ... Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère. Gand, 1879 384 pp. 12 col. lithogr. plts. Cloth. - Spine rubbed. Num. stamps inside text.Added: 64 pp. 2 col. ... € 175.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bulletins d'Arboriculture, ... Burvenich,Fred., a.o. (Edited). Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère. Gand, C Annoot-Braeckman, 1886. 384 pp. 12 col. lithogr. plts. Hardcover. - Name in ink on french title page... € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bulletins d'Arboriculture, ... Burvenich,Fred., a.o. (Edited). Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère. Gand, C Annoot-Braeckman, 1885. 384 pp. 12 col. lithogr. plts. Hardcover. - Name in ink on french title page... € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bulletins d'Arboriculture, ... Burvenich,Fred., a.o. (Edited). Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère. Gand, C Annoot-Braeckman, 1882. 384 pp. 12 col. lithogr. plts. Hardcover. - Annot. in ink on french title pa... € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bulletins d'Arboriculture, ... Burvenich,Fred., a.o. (Edited). Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère. Gand, C Annoot-Braeckman, 1884. 384 pp. 12 col. lithogr. plts. Hardcover. - Name in ink on french title page... € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bulletins d'Arboriculture, ... Burvenich,Fred., a.o. (Edited). Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère. Gand, C Annoot-Braeckman, 1880. 384 pp. 12 col. lithogr. plts. Hardcover. - Name in ink on french title page... € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bulletins d'Arboriculture, ... Burvenich,Fred., a.o. (Edited). Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère. Gand, C Annoot-Braeckman, 1878. 384 pp. 12 col. lithogr. plts. Hardcover. - Name in ink on french title page... € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bulletins d'Arboriculture, ... Burvenich,Fred. a.o. (Edited). Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère. Gand, C Annoot-Braeckman, 1877. 384 pp. 12 col. lithogr. plts. Hardcover. - Name in ink on french title page... € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bulletins d'Arboriculture, ... Burvenich,Fred. a.o. (Edited). Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère. Gand, C Annoot-Braeckman, 1876. 384 pp. 12 col. lithogr. plts. Hardcover. - Spine damaged: front cover loose... € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bulletins d'arboriculture d... Bulletins d'arboriculture de floriculture et de culture potagère. Gand, 1885 1886 2 vols in 1. 384,384 pp. 24 col. lithogr. fruit-plates. H.calf. - Some light foxing. € 250.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bulletins d'arboriculture d... Bulletins d'arboriculture de floriculture et de culture potagère. Gand, 1889 1890 2 vols in 1. 384,384 pp. 24 col. lithogr. fruit-plates. H.calf. € 250.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bush-fruits. A horticultura... Card,Fred W. Bush-fruits. A horticultural monograph of rasperries, blackberries, dewberries, currants, gooseberries, and other shrub-like fruits. 5th ed N.Y., 1909. XII,414 pp. 113 ills. Cloth. € 34.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Bush-fruits. New  rev.ed. Card,Fred W. Bush-fruits. New rev.ed. N.Y., 1919 XIII,409 pp. Cloth. € 34.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Citrone (Citrus Limonium). ... Schoolplaat. Citrone (Citrus Limonium). Lithography., n.d 80x59 cm. On card-board. € 159.00 Antiquariaat Kok
[Collection of 43 (gouache)... Reijst,Adèle. (Attributed to:). [Collection of 43 (gouache) watercolours from the late 19th. century by an amateur with various botanical depictions: (tropical ) fruits, plants, flowers.] N.p., n.d [1879-1902]. Gouache, pencil and ink on laid paper. Various sizes between: 22 x 13.5 cm 29.5 x 21.5... € 750.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Dattelpalme (Phoenix Dactyl... Schoolplaat. Dattelpalme (Phoenix Dactylifera). Lithography., n.d 80x59 cm. On card-board. € 68.00 Antiquariaat Kok
De Fructibus et Seminibus P... Gaertner,Joseph. De Fructibus et Seminibus Plantarum. Vol. III: Supplementum Carpologiae. Leipzig, 1805 [Reprint Amsterdam, Asher, 1974]. 1 vol. (of 3). [289] pp. [23] b./w. plts. Hardcover. € 35.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Der Obstbau in Wort und Bil... Friedrich,Gerhard H.Preusse. Der Obstbau in Wort und Bild mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der im rheinhessischen Obstsortiment empfohlenen Obstsorten. Wiesbaden, 1907 387 pp. Ills 49 col.plts. Cloth. - Spine-ends very slightly worn; inner-joints weak. € 225.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Der Obstbau in Wort und Bil... Friedrich,Gerhard H.Preusse. Der Obstbau in Wort und Bild mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der im Rheinhessischen Obstsortiment empfohlenen Obstsorten. Wiesbaden, 1907 387 pp. Ills 49 col.plts. Modern hardcover. € 125.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Der praktische Ratgeber im ... Der praktische Ratgeber im Obst- und Gartenbau. Jahrg 1896. 496 pp. 557 ills 4 chromolithogr.plts. Or. decor. cloth. 2 plates showing fruit. € 60.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Der praktische Ratgeber im ... Der praktische Ratgeber im Obst- und Gartenbau. Jahrg 1899. 480 pp. 504 ills 4 chromolithogr.plts. Or. decor. cloth. 3 plates showing fruit. € 60.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Der praktische Ratgeber im ... Der praktische Ratgeber im Obst- und Gartenbau. Jahrg 1887. 624 pp. 550 ills. H.calf. € 24.96 Antiquariaat Kok
Der Schweizerische Obstbaue... Der Schweizerische Obstbauer. Organ des "Schweizerischen Obstbauvereins". Jrg XI, 1909. 232 pp. 12 chromo-lithogr. plts. Cloth. € 159.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Der Zwergobstbaum und seine... Löbner,Max. Der Zwergobstbaum und seine Pflege. Eine Anleitung für Gartenfreunde und Obstzüchter. 2nd rev. enl. edition. Berlin, 1916 129 pp. 46 text-ills. Hardcover. - Name in ink on nicely decorated endpaper. € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Deutsche Obstsorten. I-X. Krümmel,Carl a.o. Deutsche Obstsorten. I-X. Berlin, 1956-1960 10 vols. Text col. plates on loose sheets in softcover portfolios [as published].Rare complete set. € 650.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Deutsche Obstsorten. Liefer... Krümmel,Carl a.o. Deutsche Obstsorten. Lieferung 3. Berlin, 1957 Text col. plts. Or. soft cover. € 125.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Deutsche Obstsorten. Liefer... Krümmel,Carl a.o. Deutsche Obstsorten. Lieferung 6. Berlin, 1958 Text col. plts. Or. soft cover. € 125.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Deutschlands Obstsorten. Müller,J., a.o. Deutschlands Obstsorten. Stuttgart, Eckstein und Stähle, [1905-1932] 7 vols. Text & 312 chromolithogr. plts. Uniform hardcovers, spine's discoloured.Volume I & II: Äpfe... € 2000.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Deutschlands Obstsorten. Ba... Müller,J., a.o. Deutschlands Obstsorten. Band I: Äpfel. Stuttgart, Eckstein und Stähle, [ca 1905]. 127 pp. 54 col. lithogr. plts. Or.cloth. - Cloth worn. First and last few pages foxed. € 450.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Deutschlands Obstsorten. Ba... Müller,J., a.o. Deutschlands Obstsorten. Band IV: Birne. Stuttgart, Eckstein und Stähle, [ca 1910]. 127 pp. 42 col. lithogr. plts. Or.cloth. - cloth worn. Spine discol. € 450.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Dictionnaire de Pomologie. ... Leroy,André. Dictionnaire de Pomologie. Contenant l'histoire, da description, la fugure des fruits anciens et des fruits modernes.Tome III: Pommes. Angers, 1873 2 vols: 880 pp. 527 ills. Raised h.calff. - Spines sl. worn, sl. foxed. € 300.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Dictionnaire de Pomologie. ... Leroy,André. Dictionnaire de Pomologie. Contenant l'histoire, la description, la figure des fruits anciens et des fruits modernes.Tome II: Poires D-Z. (Variétés 390 à 915). Angers, 1869 776 pp. 560 ills. H.calf. Some foxing. € 175.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Dictionnaire de Pomologie. ... Leroy,André. Dictionnaire de Pomologie. Contenant l'histoire, la description, la figure des fruits anciens et des fruits modernes. Tome I - IV. Angers, 1867-1873 4 vols. (of 6). Text ills. Vols. I II hardcover. Vols. III IV rebound in blanc hardcover.Tome I ... € 750.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Die Feigenbäume Italiens un... Ravasini,Ruggero. Die Feigenbäume Italiens und ihre Beziehungen zu einander. Bern, 1911 174 pp. 1 pl. 61 ills. Softcover, slipcase. € 60.00 Antiquariaat Kok

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