Limburg Carboniferous
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Afbeelding | Schrijver | Titel | Uitgever | Bijzonderheid | Prijs | Boekwinkel |
KEUTGEN, N. L.A. VD TUUK | Belemnites from the Lower Maastrichtian of Limburg, Aachen and Liège. | 1990. Meded. Rijks Geol. Dienst 44-4; pp. 1-39, 12 fig. 4 photoplts. complete issue: includes also: ... | € 13.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
DEENEN, J.M. | Breuken in kool en gesteenten. [in Zuid-Limburg] | 1942. Mededeelingen van de Geologische Stichting Serie C-I-2-No. 1; 104 pp., 24 fign., 10 pltn. met ... | € 18.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Oyen, Fred. H. van | Contribution à la connaissance du genre Adelophthalmus Jordan et Meyer 1854. [Carboniferous, Limburg, The Netherlands] | 1956, Mededelingen Geologische Stichting C-IV-3-7. 98 pp., 6+156 fig., 24 plts. Orig. wrps. very goo... | € 15.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Oyen, Fred. H. van | Contribution à la connaissance du genre Adelophthalmus Jordan et Meyer 1854. [Carboniferous, Limburg, The Netherlands] | 1956, Mededelingen Geologische Stichting C-IV-3-7. 98 pp., 6+156 fig., 24 plts. Orig. wrps. very goo... | € 15.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
HACQUÉBARD, P.A. | Kolenpetrographische Studiën. Parallelisatie van de koollagen Merl, Mühlenbach, Steinknipp en Finefrau van het Nederlandsche Mijngebied. | 1943, Mededelingen Geologische Stichting C-III-2-1; 129 pp. 4 fig. 3 plts. 9 fold. encl. in pocket. | € 23.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
HEIDE, S. VAN DER. | Les Arthropodes du terrain houiller du Limbourg méridional (excepté les Scorpions et les insectes). | 1951, Mededelingen Geologische Stichting C-IV-3-5. 84 pp. 2 fig. 10 plts. | € 18.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
HEERTJES, N. | Petrological investigation of the coalmeasures sediments of South-Limburg. | 1942. Mededeelingen van de Geologische Stichting Serie C-II-2-No. 1; 85 pp., 11 figs., 2 photoplts.,... | € 15.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
Kimpe, W.F.M. | The geology of the Carboniferous in the coal field Beatrix in central Limburg, The Netherlands, and in the adjacent german area. | 1973.Verhandelingen Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap, v. 29; pp. 19-36, 1... | € 5.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
KIMPE, W.F.M. | The geology of the Carboniferous in the coal field Beatrix in central Limburg, The Netherlands, and in the adjacent German area. | 1973. Extract Verh. KNGMG 29; pp. 19-36, 13 fig. No wrps. 4to. | € 5.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
BLESS, M.J.M. M. STREEL. | The occurrence of reworked miospores in a Westphalian C microflora from South Limburg (the Netherlands) and its bearing on paleogeography. | 1976, Mededelingen van de Rijks Geologische Dienst, Nieuwe Serie, 27-1; pp. 1-39, 5 fig. 7 plts. Ori... | € 9.00 |
Lingua Terrae Books |
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