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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Boekwinkel
 - 016// American Photography .. 016// American Photography .. Amilus. 2000. Hardcover with slightly soiled d.j. good. 262pp. Illustr.. € 38.00 Ovidius
036°04'41"N - 032°50'03"O [... Geer, Eric Jan van de (b. 1965) - 036°04'41"N - 032°50'03"O [036°04'41''N - 032°50'03''O]: Polaroids. (meer info) Self-published 2008, Cloth-covered boards (hardcover), 22 x 18 cms., (80) pp. with colour illustrations. In excelle... € 47.00 Berger De Vries
07kwadraat [072] Vandekeybus, Wim ; Friederike von Rauch 07kwadraat [072] Brussel : deBuren, 2007 Photo pictorial wrappers (softcover), 64p, color illustrations, 17 x 24 cm. Fine. Text in English, F... € 45.00
€ 4,25
Antiq. Digitalis button
(1 + 2) History of modern a... Arnason H H (1 + 2) History of modern art (INFO) (meer info) (1) Harry N Abrams Inc Publishers New York zj + (2) Thames and Hudson - third edition + (1) 663 pp - 30x 22.5 x 5.5 - 1393 ill (264 in color) - geb - hardc - linnen - so(gaaf) - new + (2) ... € 40.00 Oom Willem
1, 2, Let's Say Boo Taylor Garland 1, 2, Let's Say Boo (meer info) Little, Brown Young Readers Conditie: Redelijk € 3.90
€ 3,15
Boekenbalie button
(1) Beijing + (2) Singapore Holdsworth, May + (2) Lloyd, Ian (photography) Sharp, Ilsa (text (1) Beijing + (2) Singapore (meer info) (1 + 2) Harrap Colombus, London, 1988 (1 + 2) 2x 79 pp color photos - 29 x 22 x 1 - cloth - dustj - 100% new € 15.00 Oom Willem
(1) Contemporary Spanish Ph... (1) Hahn, B Fontcuberta, J (1) + (2) Steichen, E Sandburg, C (prologue) (1) Contemporary Spanish Photography + (2) The Family of Man (meer info) 1) University of New Mexico Albuquerque 1987 + (2) MoMA New York 1955 (1) 123 pp - 24.5 x 21 - 107 photographs in b/w color - hardcover - dustjacket - new + (2) 192 pp -... € 35.00 Oom Willem
(1) Early erotic photograph... Nazarieff, S + (2) Kearney, P J + (3) Andrew T (1) Early erotic photography + (2) Geschiedenis vd erotische literatuur + (3) Erotic drawings (meer info) (1) Taschen, 1993 + (2) Agathon Bussum / Standaard Uitgeverij Antwerpen 1983 + (3) Phaiidon Oxford - 1986 (1) 200 pp - 199 (kl)photos - sc/wrappers + (2) 192 pp -24.5 x 20 x 2.2 - hc - linnen - ill (klzw) -... € 35.00 Oom Willem
(1) Friends (portraits) + (... (1 2) Tuma, Stanislav (photos) (1) Friends (portraits) + (2) Photography (inleiding Jan Kriz in English) (meer info) (1) GTP - Gerard Timmer Prods, Amsterdam, 1984 + (2) cat - september1981 (1) 20 pp - 17 z/w portretten - 24 x 16.5 - geniet - 100 % nieuw + (2) 30 pp - geniet - ca 30 (z/w)... € 15.00 Oom Willem
(1) Havana in my heart (info) (1) Jenkins, Gareth editor) (1) Havana in my heart (info) (meer info) (1) Chicago Review Press, 2002 (1) 192 pp - 28 x 23.5 x 2 - many (b/w)photos - hardc - dustj - new - € 27.50 Oom Willem
(1) Jan van Male (INFO) + (... Male, Jan van Matsier, N (1) + (2) Glerum-catalogus (1) Jan van Male (INFO) + (2) Photography 1850-2000 (meer info) (1) Architectura Natura Pers, Amsterdam, 1995 + (2) Glerum - veiling 194 maandag 3 juli 2000 (1) ca 80 pp - 29.5 x 29.5 x 1 - z/w foto's - cloth -nieuwstaat+ (2) 94 pp - softc=nieuwstaat € 30.00 Oom Willem
(1) Photographie japonaise ... Iizawa, Kotaro Vercheval, Gs (info) (1) + (2) Winkel, M Prof W R van Gulik (1) Photographie japonaise - Japanse fotografie + (2) Souvenirs from Japan - Jap photography at the turn on the 20th century (meer info) (1) Europalia 89 (cat.exp in Antwerpen en Charleroi 1/10 - 17/1289) + (2) Bamboo Publishing London 991 (1) 123 pp - 30 x 23 x 1.2 - foto's (kl z/w) - + (2) 40 pp (tekst) + 169 foto's (klz/w) - 22 x 25 ... € 37.50 Oom Willem
(1) Sowjetunion - Photograp... Cartier-Bresson, Henri (1) Sowjetunion - Photographische Notizen + (2) The history of photography Book one - Henri Cartier-Bresson - (meer info) (1) Bucher, Luzern, Frankfurt, 1973 (1e Deutsche Auflage) + (2) Landshoff, Amsterdam, 1976? (1) 10 pp (text) + 141 Fotos - 26.5 x 24.5 x 2 - cloth - dustj - fine + (3) 95 pp - 21 x 21 - 79 pho... € 60.00 Oom Willem
1) The Hashemite Kingdom of... JORDAN (two books) 1) The Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan; The Holy Land - 2) ordan The Holy Land (meer info) Jordan Tourist Department 1958 /9, 1) n.p, b/w photogr; 2) .62 p., b/w photogr., map, SOFTCOVER, (Original paperb, stapled. ... € 19.50 Sigma
(1 t/m 9) Berenice Abbott  ... FOTO-BOX (1 t/m 9) Abbott Atget Bullock Evans Sander Strand Stieglitz Weegee Weston + (10) Broekhuis, Ton (1 t/m 9) Berenice Abbott Eugène Atget Wynn Bullock Walker Evans August Sander Paul Strand Alfred Stieglitz Weegee Edward Weston in de serie: Masters of photography (Aperture) + (10) Vijftig jaren van toekomst (meer info) (1 t/m 9) Könemann, Köln, 1997 (text in German, French English) + (10) Stichting Auirora Borealis, groningen, 1995 (1 t/m 9) 9 x ca 95 pp - 21 x 21 x 1 - ca 40 s/w Fotos - cloth - dustj - new + (10) unpaged - 17.5 x... € 75.00 Oom Willem
1. Vliegende storm 2009-201... IJsseling, Herman 1. Vliegende storm 2009-2012; 2. Vliegende storm; 3.Vliegende storm - het vervolg; 4. Gale Warning. High Seas on the Northsea. (Luchtfotografie van schepen in zwaar weer / Flying Focus Aerial Photography Flying Focus Castricum B.V. 2007-2015, 4 delen, geb., hardcovers, oblong, in nieuwstaat, 4x96 pp. € 60.00
€ 8,00
Kantelberg button
(1) Wereldtentoonstelling v... Pawek,, K Böll, H (inleiding) (1) + (2) Lassam, R (info\0 (1) Wereldtentoonstelling van de fotografie + (2) Portrait and the camera (meer info) (1) Henri Nannen Hamburg zj + (2) Studio Editions London 1989 (1) unpaged 26 x 21 x1.3 - softc/foto - 555 (z/w) foto's - nieuwstaat + (2) 192 pp - 33.5 x 23.5 x 2... € 25.00 Oom Willem
10 jaar varend vermogen met... 10 jaar varend vermogen met de Vereenigde Compagnie Scheepsinvesteringen BV Bennekom, 2008 Vele foto's van Herman IJsseling, 96 pp - hardcover, oblong € 20.00 De Beschte button
10 Little Chicks Garland, Taylor 10 Little Chicks (meer info) Little, Brown Company 2020 20pp Kartonboek € 14.40
€ 1,75
Bestel dit boek bij Boekstra
100 + 3 Great Danish Indust... Bernsen, Jens / Schenström, Susanne (photography : Schytte, Jörgen / Örsted, Claus) 100 + 3 Great Danish Industrial Designs. ID prisen 1965 - 85 (meer info) Danish Design Council 1985, bnd., hard cover with dustjacket, 22 x 20 cm. (oblong), 179 pages, good condition. € 14.50 Livresque
100 artistes du Hainaut se ... Georges Vercheval, Raymond Saublains 100 artistes du Hainaut se sont de nouveau fait tirer le portrait par le photographe Raymond Saublains. Ces photos ont ete rassemblees dans un album "L'Oeil dans l'atelier - Les Artistes du Hainaut II" (meer info) , IP Editions, 2011 relie, cartone, 116 pages au format 25 x 24 cm, 101 photographies en bichromie, couverture cartonnee... € 39.00
€ 6,99
Erik Tonen button
100 collectors' postcards f... POSTCARDS CHINA 100 collectors' postcards from the South China Morning Post - [with English explaining text on backside] (meer info) Hong Kong 2000(?), 100 postcards, (b w) 12 x 17 cm. (contained in 15 x 21 x 7 cm. box), HARDCOVER, (100 postc... € 135.00 Sigma
100 Days in Photographs Nicholas Yapp 100 Days in Photographs (meer info) National Geographic Society Conditie: Goed € 26.70
€ 3,15
Boekenbalie button
100 Days in Photographs Piv... Nick Yapp, Douglas Brinkley, Chris Johns 100 Days in Photographs Pivotal Events That Changed the World (meer info) Groothandel / BESTEL Goed, 2007, Hardcover, 319p € 20.00
€ 4,50
De Slegte Rotterdam
100 FACE STORIES KORNMEHL,ARIELLA 100 FACE STORIES Eindhoven 2018 208 pp, paperback, good shape, photographs Julie Blik, stories of Erwin Olaf, Jimmy Nelson and other... € 15.00
€ 4,50
Moby Dick button
100 Girls. New Concepts in ... YEAGER, BUNNY. 100 Girls. New Concepts in Glamour Photography. (meer info) A S. Barnes and Company, New York, NY, 1965. 31,5 x 24 cm € 40.00 Frans Melk button
100 Great Street Photographs Gibson, David 100 Great Street Photographs (meer info) Prestel 2017 208pp Gebonden € 32.00
Bestel dit boek bij Boekstra
100 Great Street Photograph... Gibson, David 100 Great Street Photographs - Paperback Edition (meer info) Prestel 2018 208pp Paperback / softback € 27.00
Bestel dit boek bij Boekstra
100 Ideas that Changed Film... Parkinson 100 Ideas that Changed Film - Art and Photography in the Age of the Female Gaze (meer info) Laurence King Publishing 2019 216pp Paperback / softback € 22.30
Bestel dit boek bij Boekstra
100 Ideas that Changed Film... Parkinson 100 Ideas that Changed Film Art and Photography in the Age of the Female Gaze (meer info) Laurence King Publishing Goed, Paperback, 216p € 11.00
€ 4,50
De Slegte Algemeen
100 Ideas that Changed Phot... Warner Marien, Mary 100 Ideas that Changed Photography (meer info) Laurence King Publishing 2020 216pp Paperback / softback € 21.95
Bestel dit boek bij Boekstra
100 Ideas that Changed Phot... Mary Warner Marien 100 Ideas that Changed Photography (meer info) Laurence King Publishing Ramsj, Paperback, 216p € 9.95
€ 4,50
De Slegte Leiden
100 IDEI, KTÓRE ZMIENILY FO... MARIEN,MARY WARNER 100 IDEI, KTÓRE ZMIENILY FOTOGRAFIE Londen 2012 216 pp, bw and coloured photographs, softcover, good shape, back slightly coloured, 9788392589099, O... € 25.00
€ 4,50
Moby Dick button
100 IDEI, KTÓRE ZMIENILY FO... MARIEN,MARY WARNER 100 IDEI, KTÓRE ZMIENILY FOTOGRAFIE Londen 2012 216 pp, bw and coloured photographs, softcover, good shape, back slightly coloured, 9788392589099, O... € 25.00
€ 4,50
Moby Dick button
100 JAAR Haagse fotografen ... HAAGSCHE AMATEUR FOTOGRAFEN VEREENIGING 100 JAAR Haagse fotografen van nu Den haag 2007 94 pag., foto's (code O-66) € 5.00
€ 4,50
Moby Dick button
100 Jaar Parijs Jacques Damase [b/w photography ] 100 Jaar Parijs A.W. Bruna Zoon, 1962. Zwarte Beertjes 459/460. paperback 160 pp. 172 mm x 110 mm € 4.95 ZwarteBeertjes
100 Naked Girls on a Chair Vulis, Ralf / Hess, H.E. 100 Naked Girls on a Chair (meer info) Edition Reuss, München (Duitsland) [EXCLUSIEF], 2001, gebonden, 114 p. € 109.00
€ 6,90
 - 100 Outstanding British walks 100 Outstanding British walks (meer info) Ordnance Survey 2018 304pp Paperback / softback € 27.00
Bestel dit boek bij Boekstra
100 Photographs Gallery, National Portrait 100 Photographs (meer info) National Portrait Gallery Publications 2018 176pp Paperback / softback € 23.50
Bestel dit boek bij Boekstra
100 Photos of René Burri fo... Burri, Rene 100 Photos of René Burri for Press Freedom Paris, Reporters Without Borders, 2011 143 pp., soft cover. Small damage on the cover, otherwise very good copy. Pictures in colour and in ... € 15.00
€ 4,25
Antiq. Digitalis button
LIGHT, MICHAEL - 100 Soleils LIGHT, MICHAEL 100 Soleils Editions de la Martinière 2003, 100 full-page col + b/w photos, bibliography, 26 x 34 cm, HARDCOVER, (Original hardback Dustj... € 49.50 Sigma
100 x photo : 100 photograp... Visser, Hripsimé 100 x photo : 100 photographs from the collection of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam Bussum / Amsterdam Thoth / Stedelijk Museum 1996 Paperback, 24 cm, 227 pp. Ills.: z/w en kleurenillustraties. Cond.: zeer goed / very good. ISBN: 90... € 19.50 Bij tij en ontij
100 years of dealing with a... Thijs Demeulemeester 100 years of dealing with art Masterpieces Stories Passion (meer info) Belgian Royal Chamber of Art Dealers Goed, 2019, Hardcover, 255p € 15.00
€ 4,50
De Slegte Algemeen
Scheid - 1000 Nudes Scheid 1000 Nudes (meer info) Taschen Conditie: Als nieuw € 16.00
€ 3,15
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1000 Nudes / A History of E... Scheid, Uwe 1000 Nudes / A History of Erotic Photography from 1839-1939 TASCHEN 2012, 575pp. ( pakket ) € 10.00 uzoektwijvinden
1000 Nudes / A History of E... Scheid, Uwe 1000 Nudes / A History of Erotic Photography from 1839-1939 TASCHEN 2005, 575pp, softcover, meertalig E/Fr, ill, leesvouwen, goed € 9.95 manus vivendi
1000 Nudes / A History of E... Scheid, Uwe 1000 Nudes / A History of Erotic Photography from 1839-1939 TASCHEN 2005, 575p., slappe kaft, in redelijke staat, past NIET in brievenbus € 10.00 Boekenbeurs Venlo
1000 Nudes A History of Ero... KOETZLE, MICHAEL & UWE SCHEID. 1000 Nudes A History of Erotic Photography from 1839-1939. Uwe Scheid Collection. (meer info) Taschen, 2014 20,5 x 14,5 cm. Hardcover with dustjacket. 576 pages € 15.00 Frans Melk button
1000 Nudes A History of Ero... KOETZLE, MICHAEL & UWE SCHEID. 1000 Nudes A History of Erotic Photography from 1839-1939. Uwe Scheid Collection. (meer info) Taschen, 2014 20,5 x 14,5 cm. Hardcover with dustjacket. 576 pages € 20.00 Frans Melk button
1000 nudes Uwe Scheid colle... Uwe Scheid, Michael Koetzle 1000 nudes Uwe Scheid collection (meer info) Taschen Redelijk, 1994, Paperback, 755p € 17.50
€ 4,50
De Slegte Leiden

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