literature - Mexican

41 titels gevonden met de huidige zoekopdracht

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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Boekwinkel
1492 Of De Tijd En Het Leve... Aridjis, Homero 1492 Of De Tijd En Het Leven Van Juan Cabezon Uit Castilie (meer info) Meulenhoff 1992, Paperback, reprint, 363 € 7.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
Alfonso Reyes: Homenaje Nac... BORGES, JORGE LUIS; CARLOS FUENTES; ET AL. Alfonso Reyes: Homenaje Nacional - First Edition. One of an edition of 2000 copies. (meer info) Mexico : Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes 1981, 111 p., illus. , b/w plates b/w photo's, facsim.21 x 27 cm., HARDCOVER, (Orig. cloth. Dust jac... € 42.50 Sigma
Padilla, Ignacio - Amphitryon Padilla, Ignacio Amphitryon (meer info) De Bezige Bij 2002, Paperback, reprint, 224 € 7.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
Aztlan. An Anthology of Mex... Valdez, Luis; Steiner, Stan ed. Aztlan. An Anthology of Mexican American Literature New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1972. 410 pp., 4to, cloth with d-j. First edition € 35.00
€ 3,90
Aleph button
Borderland Brutalities - Vi... Belmonte, Laura Elena Borderland Brutalities - Violence and Resistance along the US-Mexico Borderlands in Literature, Film, and Culture (meer info) University of New Mexico Press 2024 176pp Gebonden € 87.00
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Christopher Unborn Fuentes, Carlos Christopher Unborn (meer info) Farrar Straus Giroux 1989, Hardcover, first, 531 € 18.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
Cowboy - American Icon A Sh... Daniel Pruitt Cowboy - American Icon A Short History of Wild West Culture (meer info) Librero Nederland B.V. Goed, Hardcover, 240p € 15.00
€ 4,50
De Slegte Leuven
Dancing on the Sun Stone - ... Becker, Marjorie Dancing on the Sun Stone - Mexican Women and the Gendered Politics of Octavio Paz (meer info) University of New Mexico Press 2024 152pp Paperback / softback € 41.80
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De dood van Artemio Cruz Fuentes, Carlos De dood van Artemio Cruz (meer info) Meulenhoff 1987, Paperback, reprint, 302 € 8.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
De Grens Van Glas Fuentes, Carlos De Grens Van Glas Meulenhoff 2001, reprint, 0 € 10.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
Fuentes, Carlos - De oude gringo Fuentes, Carlos De oude gringo (meer info) Meulenhoff 1988, Paperback, first, 199 € 7.50
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
De Wetten Van De Liefde Esquivel, Laura De Wetten Van De Liefde (meer info) Arena 1996, Hardcover, Second, 291 € 7.50
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
El cuento de cuentos Estrada, Francisco Javier El cuento de cuentos Editorial Praxis 1st ed. - With handwritten dedication by the author. - Softcover, 2000 € 15.00 Klikspaan button
Esperanza Rising: An Instru... Kemp, Kristin Esperanza Rising: An Instructional Guide for Literature - An Instructional Guide for Literature (meer info) Shell Educational Publishing 2016 72pp Paperback / softback € 17.55
€ 1,75
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Five Quarters Of The Orange Harris, Joanne Five Quarters Of The Orange (meer info) William Morrow 2001, Hardcover, first, 307 € 8.50
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
Fuentes, Carlos - Hautwechsel Fuentes, Carlos Hautwechsel (meer info) Rowohlt 1989, Paperback, 454 € 8.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
Het labyrint der eenzaamheid Paz, Octavio Het labyrint der eenzaamheid (meer info) Arbeiderspers 1991, Paperback, reprint, 258 € 8.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
Historia de la Literatura N... GARIBAY, ANGEL MARIA Historia de la Literatura Nahuatl . Two vols. - Primera Parte: Etapa Autonoma: De c. 1430 a 1521/ Segunda Parte: El Trauma de la Conquista (1521 - 1750) First Edition 2 volumes. Limited to 3000 copies. ADDED copy of Bol. Bibliogf. Mexicano s... (meer info) Mexico :Editorial Porrua 1953/ 54, 501 + 423 p., each with 12 plates and index, 24.5 x 17.5cm,, SOFTCOVER, (Orig. stiff (do... € 69.50 Sigma
La Boxe The Mexican - A Pie... London, Jack La Boxe The Mexican - A Piece Of Steak / La Boxe Il Messicano - Una Bistecca (meer info) Giovanni Tranchida 2013, Paperback, reprint, 145 € 7.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
MARÍA GREVER - POETA Y COMP... Rodriguez-Lee, Maria Luisa MARÍA GREVER - POETA Y COMPOSITORA (meer info) Scripta Humanistica 2015 188pp Gebonden € 62.80
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Mexican Literature as World... Mexican Literature as World Literature (meer info) Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2021 280pp Gebonden € 131.30
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Mexico : a novel. Michener, James A. Mexico : a novel. (meer info) New York : Random House, 1992. First edition, 2nd printing. Hardcover. Dustjacket. xiii,625 pp. Fine copy. Conditie: goed Conditie: goed. LITERATURE € 18.00
€ 5,50
Kloof Antiquariaat
Onrustig gezelschap Fuentes, Carlos Onrustig gezelschap (meer info) Meulenhoff 2006, Paperback, first, 238 € 6.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
Rulfo, Juan - Pedro Paramo Rulfo, Juan Pedro Paramo (meer info) Dogan 2023, Paperback, reprint, 149 € 10.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
Poesia Nahuatl: Tomos II. D... GARIBAY, ANGEL MARIA Poesia Nahuatl: Tomos II. Dual language edition. - Cantares mexicanos, Manuscrito de la Biblioteca Nacional de Mexico [PARTS 1 AND 2] (meer info) Mexico :Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 1965, 280 p., + 133 p. notas explicativas, HARDCOVER, (Orig. red gilt. cloth with dust jacket. Nam... € 195.50 Sigma
Rediscovering the past at M... Joseph, Gilbert M. Rediscovering the past at Mexico's periphery : essays on the history of modern Yucatan. (meer info) Alabama,1986. Orig. cloth binding. Dustjacket. xviii,203p. Index. Conditie: goed Conditie: goed. HISTORY € 12.50
€ 5,50
Kloof Antiquariaat
Societal Constructions of M... Societal Constructions of Masculinity in Chicanx and Mexican Literature - From Machismo to Feminist Masculinity (meer info) Vernon Press 2021 166pp Gebonden € 72.90
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Esquivel, Laura - Swift As Desire Esquivel, Laura Swift As Desire (meer info) Black Swan 2002, Paperback, 1st thus, 206 € 5.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
Pitol, Sergio - The Art of Flight Pitol, Sergio The Art of Flight (meer info) Deep Vellum Publishing 2015 424pp Paperback / softback € 21.70
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Rulfo, Juan - The Burning Plain Rulfo, Juan The Burning Plain (meer info) University of Texas Press 2024 192pp Paperback / softback € 30.80
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The Children of Sanchez. Au... Lewis, Oscar The Children of Sanchez. Autobiography of a Mexican Family (meer info) Penguin Books, Great Britain, Penguin Modern Classics 2094 1964, 507 pp., paperback, some light wear on edges of cover, yellowing pages € 4.50 Olive books
The Conquest of Mexico - Th... Prescott, William Hinkling The Conquest of Mexico - The Seven Book History of Hernan Cortes, Mayan and Mexican Civilization, United in One Volume (meer info) Pantianos Classics 1900 318pp Paperback / softback € 32.60
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The Mexican Cult of Death i... Brodman Ph D, Barbara The Mexican Cult of Death in Myth, Art and Literature (meer info) iUniverse 2011 132pp Paperback / softback € 17.55
€ 1,75
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The people of paper Plascencia, Salvador The people of paper (meer info) McSweeney 2005, Hardcover, first, 245 € 25.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
The Plays of Josefina Niggl... Niggli, Josefina The Plays of Josefina Niggli - Recovered Landmarks of Latino Literature (meer info) University of Wisconsin Press 2002 328pp Paperback / softback € 34.30
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The Power and the Glory Greene, Graham The Power and the Glory (meer info) William Heinemann 1961 - pocket - 226 p. - naam voorin, verder in goede staat € 2.40
€ 4,95
Antiquariaat Essef button
The Power and the Glory Greene, Graham The Power and the Glory (meer info) Penguin 1976 - pocket - 222 p. - iets vlekkerig, annotaties voorin het boek € 1.95
€ 4,95
Antiquariaat Essef button
The story of my teeth Luiselli, Valeria The story of my teeth (meer info) Granta 2015, Paperback, reprint, 188 € 10.00
€ 4,50
Le Flaneur Amsterdam
This Thing Between Us - A N... Moreno, Gus This Thing Between Us - A Novel (meer info) Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2021 272pp Paperback / softback € 22.75
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Two Novels of Mexico: The F... AZUELA, MARIANO Two Novels of Mexico: The Flies, The Bosses - Preface Translation : SIMPSON, LESLEY BIRD 7th pr. of the first English ed. (1956) (meer info) Berkeley and Los Angeles : University of California Press 1972, xiii + 194 p., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. pict. wrpprs w. cover drawings by Rico Lebrun, name on f.e.p... € 12.30 Sigma
Woman Hollering Creek and O... CISNEROS, SANDRA Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories (Vintage Contemporaries) (meer info) New York : Random House 1953/ 54, 165 p. + ads., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. stiffwrpprs, AS NEW) € 19.50 Sigma

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