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| Pagina : 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... 73 |

Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Colouring Book Nr. 7 Luchtv... Bussche, v.d. Colouring Book Nr. 7 Luchtvaart Aeronautique Antwerpen, Em. Maeyens, no year (16) pp., including wrappers, stapled. Lighth shelf wear and age toning, very good copy. Ills. in co... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Colouring Book Nr. 8 Kinder... Bussche, v.d. Colouring Book Nr. 8 Kinderspelen Jeux 'enfants Antwerpen, Em. Maeyens, no year (16) pp., including wrappers, stapled. Shelf wear and age toning, some foxing on wrappers, good cop... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Colouring book, on front se... Colouring book, on front sea lion in circus, on back little black african girl Serie I Bimbi Dipingono N. 1 Milano, Editrice Piccoli , no year 16 pp., stapled in stiff pictorial paper wrappers. 8 pages with very colourful illustrations as exam... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Colouring Book Serie "Quadr... Colouring Book Serie "Quadratino Pittore " Grande N. 1 Milano, Editrice Piccoli, no date (12) pp., wrappers included, stapled. Age toning, light wear wrappers. Unused good copy. 18 x 23 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Colouring Book (two childre... Colouring Book (two children on a horse) no place, no publisher, no date, on back cover Stampa: Graficki Zavod Hrvatske and logo (mH or mK?) 8 pp., stapled in stiff pictorial wrappers. On front cover written in pen 'Jugoreklam Belgrad". Age ... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Colouring book with 3 cats ... Colouring book with 3 cats painting on the cover On the back 192/96 no place, no publisher, no date (8) pp., including cover, pictorial paper. Age toning and a few very small chips missing. Good copy... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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colouring book with 6 full ... colouring book with 6 full page illustrations in colour of a bicycle, horse wagon, scooter, motorbike, helicopter, airplane. no place, no publisher, no date (K.601, printed during WW II or shortly after) (12) pp., stapled in stiff piictorial paper wrappers. Shapebook. Edges a bit worn, large spot in cor... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Colouring Book with many il... Colouring Book with many ills. in colour of every day objects. 5460 C Amsterdam, Mulder & Zoon N.V. no date (Bo. 5460 C) (16) pp., stapled in stiff pictorial paper wrappers. Age toning, corners a bot worn, very good, unus... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Colouring Book with on fron... Colouring Book with on front cover Father Cat reading a newspaper and 2 kittens painting. On the back 192/95 No place, no publisher, no date 8 pp., including wrappers, paper, stapled. Age toning, very small hole in last 4 pages, good copy. I... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Colouring book with Rabbit ... Colouring book with Rabbit on cover On back Printed in the Netherlands LNIII no place, no publisher, no date (8) pp., including cover, pictorial paper. Fine copy with line drawings and examples in colour. 20 ... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Colours Blue Book 3 A book ... Ainsworth, Ruth, Ridout, Ronald and Malmok, Gwyneth (ills.) (ills.) Colours Blue Book 3 A book for me to read London, Bancroft & Co (Publishers), Ltd, 1965 20 pp., stapled in pictorial stiff paper wrappers. Age toning, fine copy. Ills. in color. 21 x 16 cm... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Columbus ontdekt Amerika Ee... Marshall, David Columbus ontdekt Amerika Een leesboek met een bouwplaat Helmond, Uitgeverij Helmond, 1992 32 pp., geniet in geillustreerd karton. Zo goed als nieuw. Bouwplaat van stevig karton midden in het... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Combat Naval Zeegevecht La ... Combat Naval Zeegevecht La Bataglia Navale Sjostriden Seeschlacht Naval Battle (meer info) [Liege], Hemma, no date (S.25.040) (16) pp. with scorecards for the game Naval Battle, stapled in pictorial stiff paper wrappers. Age t... € 15.00
€ 6,95
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Come inside the flats Simpson, Julie Come inside the flats London, Studio Vista, 1973 First edition, 26pp. bound in pictorial boards. Light shelf wear, very fine copy. 24 x 20 cm. € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Come inside the theatre Simpson, Julie Come inside the theatre London, Studio Vista, 1973 First edition, 26pp. bound in pictorial boards. Very fine copy. 24 x 20 cm. € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Complete Version og ye Thre... Ivimey, John William and Walton Courbould (ills.) Complete Version og ye Three Blind Mice London & New York, Frederick Warne & Co, 1904 (16) pp., sewn (= restoration) in pictorial stiff paper wrappers with paste on illustration. Age ton... € 45.00
€ 4,25
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Confundiendo Historias Rodari, Gianni and Allesandro Sanna (ills.) Confundiendo Historias Sevilla, Kalandraka, 2015 Forth edition, (32) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Very good copy. Ills. in colour. 31 x 21 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Constance de Wild Tip-Top-S... Andriessen, Suze en Heskes, W. (bandillustratie en stofomslag) Constance de Wild Tip-Top-Serie Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf, (1930) 169, (3) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd linnen met stofomslag. Mooi exemplaar. 20 x 14 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Contes d' Agate Maurel, Micheline and Annick Delhumeau (ills.) Contes d' Agate [Paris], A. Hatier, 1960 (61) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Light shelf wear, fine copy. Ills. in colour. 28 x 24 cm. € 15.00
€ 6,95
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Contes des Pres et des Bois... Provaznikova, Vera and Josef Lada (ills.) Translation Jean and Renee Karel Contes des Pres et des Bois ce que disent les corneilles Paris, Grund, 1978 63, (2) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Wear at boards, light damage at head spine, age toning. Good... € 30.00
€ 6,95
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Contes en Relief Zagula, Ja. (ills.) Contes en Relief Mulhouse, Editions Lucos, no date (14) pp., incl. covers, pictorial boards, bound in red cloth. Corners bumped, light age toning. Fine... € 45.00
€ 4,25
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Davey, Owen - Coole kikkers Davey, Owen Coole kikkers Amsterdam, Fontaine Uitgevers, 2019 40 pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Mooi exemplaar. Ills. in kleur. 30 x 24 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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 - Copyright serie 1011/5 dess. Copyright serie 1011/5 dess. no place, no publisher, no date 1 sheet of stiff paper, 26 x 33 cm, with illustration of girl with brown hair, cut-out ski-, and oth... € 10.00
€ 6,95
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 - Copyright serie 1011/5 dess. Copyright serie 1011/5 dess. no place, no publisher, no date 1 sheet of stiff paper, 26 x 33 cm, with illustration of girl with blond hair and cut-our clothes, ... € 10.00
€ 6,95
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 - Copyright serie 1011/5 dess. Copyright serie 1011/5 dess. no place, no publisher, no date 1 sheet of stiff paper, 26 x 33 cm, with illustration of girl with blond hair and cut-our clothes, ... € 10.00
€ 6,95
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 - Copyright serie 1011/5 dess. Copyright serie 1011/5 dess. no place, no publisher, no date 1 sheet of stiff paper, 26 x 33 cm, with illustration of girl with blond hair and cut-out clothes, ... € 10.00
€ 6,95
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Coucou (Albums de Pere Castor) Lida and Rojankovsky, F. Coucou (Albums de Pere Castor) Paris, Flammarion Editeur, 1955 35 pp., stapled in stiff pictorial paper wrappers. Age toning and shelf wear, fine copy. Ills. in co... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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 - Counting Book Cijferboekje Counting Book Cijferboekje [Den Haag, Alga, [1948?] (12) pp., including wrappers pictorial stiff paper, stapled. Light age toning and shelf wear, very ... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Cowboys Indians Mulder No. 4985 B / 2000 Cowboys Indians Amsterdam, Mulder, no date 32 pp., soft cover with half cloth and pictorial stiff paper wrappers. Age toning and shelf wear, v... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Creatures great and small... Flanders, Michael and Minale, Marcello (ills.) Creatures great and small... London, Dennis Dobson, 1964 First edition, 37 pp. bound with pictorial dust jacket. Jacket smudgy, else very good copy. Illustra... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Crichi si copiii ei Steiner, Alexis and Jaruska, Wilhelm (ills.) translation by Lazar Iliescu Crichi si copiii ei No place, Editor Tinerettului, [195?] 63 pp., stapled in pictorial stiff paper wrappers. Light wear on wrappers, age toning, very good cop... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Crocodile & Pierrot Hoban, Russell and Selig, Sylvia (ills.) Crocodile & Pierrot London, Jonathan Cape, 1975 (21) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Shelf wear, age toning, very good copy. Ills. in colour. 26 x 2... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Yashima, Taro - Crow Boy Yashima, Taro Crow Boy New York, The Viking Press, 1955 34 pp., bound in cloth with dust jacket. Jacket damaged, corners bumped, small damage to tail spine... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Curro und Pili und ein gros... Calixto and Grau, Michael (ills.) Curro und Pili und ein grosser Fisch Zürich/Stuttgart, Rasher Verlag, 1960 24 pp., stapled in stiff pictorial paper wrappers. Remnants of sticker on front cover, edges rubbed,... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Cut out Dolls Two blond gir... Cut out Dolls Two blond girls with cut-out clothes no place, no publisher, no date Made in Japan 1 sheet of stiff paper, 26 x 35 cm, with illustrations of two blond girls and cut-our clothes. Age... € 15.00
€ 6,95
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Cvrcak i Mravi (Cricket and... Novak, J.Z., V. Kubasta (ills.) and M. Slavicke (translation) Cvrcak i Mravi (Cricket and Ants) Ljubljana Zagreb, Borut Ingolic Mladinksa Knjiga, 1987 (14) pp, including cover, pictorial cardboard, bound in half cloth. Light wear on cover, stamp and s... € 25.00
€ 6,95
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Da Panda stod tidligt op (t... Kraus, Robert and Aruego, Jose & Ariane (ills.) Da Panda stod tidligt op (translation of Milton The Early Riser) Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1972 28 pp., bound in pictorial boards. Some shelf-wear, very good copy. 31 x 22 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Daan Mulder houdt vol Hartingsveld, A. van en Leeflang-Oudenaarden, C.S.T.M. (ills.) Daan Mulder houdt vol Delft, Naamloze Vennootschap W.D. Meinema, [1949] Eerste druk, 152, (1) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Mooi exemplaar. Ills. in zwart-wit. Boe... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Daantje en het Maantje Paauw-Bachrach, Bep de en [Box, Henny (ills)] en Jos V. omslagillustratie Daantje en het Maantje 16 pp., geplakt in geillustreerd karton. Goed exemplaar. Zelfde illustratie als in het boek 's Avond... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Daantje Traantje Minne, Brigitte en Aertssen, Kristien (ills.) Daantje Traantje Wilesbeke, De Eenhoorn, 2004 (24) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Mooi exemplaar. Ills. in kleur. 25 x 25 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Daar buiten slaap een aap Boerendans, Henriette Daar buiten slaap een aap Haarlem, Gottmer, 2015 (29) pp., gebonden in half linnen en geillustreerd karton. Zo goed als nieuw. Ills. in kleur. 25 x ... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Daar heb ik nog nooit van g... [Maree, Piet] Daar heb ik nog nooit van gehoord Den Haag, J.N. Voorhoeve, [1947] (16) pp., inclusief omslag, genaaid (= reparatie). Goed exemplaar. 10 x 7 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Daar komt de tijger Hagen, Hans en Monique, Marit Tornqvist Ills.) Daar komt de tijger Amsterdam, Van Goor, 1988 (52) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Naam in viltstift op verso voorplat, goed exemplaar. Ill... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Daar komt Pieterje Pan weer... Daar komt Pieterje Pan weer an! [Amsterdam Jutphaas, N.V. Nederlandse Persil Maatschappij, ca. 1955] (17) pp., genaaid gebrocheerd (= nette reparatie) in dun geillustreerd karton. Kleine scheurtjes net... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Daar komt Pietertje Pan wee... Rheuvard, Lita (ills.) Daar komt Pietertje Pan weer an! Amsterdam Jutphaas, N.V. Nederlandse Persil Maatschappij, [194?] (17) pp., genaaid gebrocheerd (= nette reparatie) in dun geillustreerd karton. Vlekken en verkleurin... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Daar was eens..! 10 sprookjes Roggeveen, Leonard Daar was eens..! 10 sprookjes zonder plaats, Radion, 1959 Verzamelmap van geillusteerd karton voor 10 kleine sprookjesboeken. Verkleuring, wat vouwtjes en vle... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Daar zaten zeven kikkertjes... Bramson [Bob] Daar zaten zeven kikkertjes, Al in een Boerensloot. No. 733 zonder plaats, zonder uitgever, [195?] (32) pp., genaaid gebonden (=nette reparatie) in geillustreerd karton. Goed exemplaar. Ills. in zwar... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Daar zaten zeven kikkertjes... Rinke, Jan Daar zaten zeven kikkertjes al in een boerensloot Wijsjes met prentjes van Jan Rinke Amsterdam, Vennootschap Letteren en Kunst, [1906] (20) pp, genaaid gebonden in gedecoreerd karton met opgeplakte titelillustratie. Stempeltje op schut... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Daarom Serie Lente Weddingen, M. van en M.C. Lux (ills.) Daarom Serie Lente Liege, Chagor Uitgaven, [195?] (8) pp., genaaid (= gerepareerd) in dun geillustreerd karton. Karton wat vlekkerig, binnenwerk goed.... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Dag bloemenvrouw , dag vlie... Lobel, Anita en Arnold Bewerking Willem Wilmink Dag bloemenvrouw , dag vliegerman Haarlem, J.H. Gottmer Uitgeverij, 1982 (36) p., gebonden in in geillustreerd karton. Naam op schutblad, verder mooi exemplaar. Ills. in kle... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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