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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Lionni, Leo - Fish Is Fish Lionni, Leo Fish Is Fish New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2005 40 pp., hard copy with dust jacket. Small tear in jacket, fine copy. Illustrations in colour. 28 x ... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Fitzebutze. Allerhand Schni... Dehmel, Paula and Richard and Ernst Kreidolf (ills.) Fitzebutze. Allerhand Schnickschnack fur Kinder (meer info) Koln a. Rh, Verlag von Schaffstein Co, 1901 (Weihnachten) Neue, verbesserte Auflage. Funfzehntes Tausend, 40 pp., bound in half cloth (= restorations) and pic... € 175.00
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Janosch - Flieg Vogel Flieg Janosch Flieg Vogel Flieg Munchen, Parabel Verlag, 1971 First edition, (37) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Head and tail spine and upper corner lightly bum... € 25.00
€ 6,95
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Flip-Flap-Floep De Geschied... Berstl, Julius, Jan van Naarden (naverteld door) en Daan Hoeksema (ills.) Flip-Flap-Floep De Geschiedenis van een Duveltje uit de Doos van Julius Berstl Naverteld door Jan van Naarden Naarden, Gebroeders Koster, [193?] Tweede druk, 106 pp., gebonden in geïllustreerd linnen met stofomslag. Omslag licht met beschadigd ... € 20.00
€ 4,25
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Flora bloemenstalletje Alle... El Pintor [Galinka Ehrenfest, Hanny Tulp] Flora bloemenstalletje Allerlei spelen met bloemen uit bosveld en tuin sloot wei en duin (at back cover title In het Bloemenstalletje van El Pintor) (meer info) Amsterdam, Belderbos Coesel (printer) 1942 Original pictorial portfolio (23 x 31 cm), with 6 paper board plates (10 x 30) with different landsc... € 150.00
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Flora bloemenstalletje Alle... El Pintor [Galinka Ehrenfest, Hanny Tulp] Flora bloemenstalletje Allerlei spelen met bloemen uit bosveld en tuin sloot wei en duin (at back cover title In het Bloemenstalletje van El Pintor) (meer info) Amsterdam, Belderbos Coesel (printer) 1942 Original pictorial portfolio (23 x 31 cm), with 6 paper board plates (10 x 30) with different landsc... € 225.00
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Flora van Marcksveld Oorspr... Kok, Truid en Wilm Steelink (ills.) Flora van Marcksveld Oorspronkelijke Meisjesboek Primula Veris Geillustreerde Bibliotheek voor Meisjes Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf N.V, [1908] Tweede druk, 260 pp., gebonden in geillustreerd linnen. Mooi exemplaar. Ills. in zwart-wit. 25 x 18 ... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Florian Mohnkopf und Florinda Zeller-Zellerberg, Wilfried Florian Mohnkopf und Florinda Wien, Verlag Herder, 1967 First edition, 30 pp., bound in pictorial boards. Some shelf wear and age-toning, very good copy. I... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Floss Ahoi! Gestell, Werner (nach Salina Szayerowa) and Zbrozek, Andrzej (ills.) Floss Ahoi! Halle/Salle, Postreiter-Verlag/Verlag Ruch, 1964 First German edition, 22 pp., bound in half cloth and pictorials boards. Back cover has large stain ... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Flower Fairies of the Autum... Barker, Cicely Mary Flower Fairies of the Autumn With the Nuts and Berries they bring (meer info) London and Glasgow, Blackie and Son Limited, no date (72) p., bound in original boards with mounted illustration and dust jacket. Jacket unclipped (2/6 ... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Flower Fairies of the Autum... Barker, Cicely Mary Flower Fairies of the Autumn With the Nuts and Berries they bring (meer info) London and Glasgow, Blackie and Son Limited, no date (72) p., bound in original boards with mounted illustration and dust jacket. Jacket is clipped but s... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Flower Fairies of the Garden Barker, Cicely Mary Flower Fairies of the Garden (meer info) London and Glasgow, Blackie and Son Limited, no date (72) p., bound in original boards with mounted illustration and dust jacket. Price 2/6 net, wear an... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Flower Fairies of the Spring Barker, Cicely Mary Flower Fairies of the Spring (meer info) London and Glasgow, Blackie and Son Limited, no date (72) pp., bound in original boards with mounted illustration and dust jacket. Jacket has price 2/6.... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Flower Fairies of the Spring Barker, Cicely Mary Flower Fairies of the Spring (meer info) London and Glasgow, Blackie and Son Limited, no date (72) pp., bound in original boards with mounted illustration and dust jacket. Jacket has price 1/6.... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Flower Fairies of the Summer Barker, Cicely Mary Flower Fairies of the Summer (meer info) London and Glasgow, Blackie and Son Limited, no date (72) pp., bound in original boards with mounted illustration and dust jacket. Jacket has price 2/6. ... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Flower Fairies of the Summer Barker, Cicely Mary Flower Fairies of the Summer (meer info) London and Glasgow, Blackie and Son Limited, no date (72) pp., bound in original boards with mounted illustration and dust jacket. Jacket has price 1/6. ... € 45.00
€ 4,25
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Flower Fairies of the Trees Barker, Cicely Mary Flower Fairies of the Trees (meer info) London and Glasgow, Blackie and Son Limited, no date (73) p., bound in original boards with mounted illustration and dust jacket. Jacket has price 2/6 ne... € 45.00
€ 4,25
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Flower Fairies of the Trees Barker, Cicely Mary Flower Fairies of the Trees (meer info) London and Glasgow, Blackie and Son Limited, no date (73) p., bound in original boards with mounted illustration and dust jacket. Jacket has price 2/6 n... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Flower Fairies of the Wayside Barker, Cicely Mary Flower Fairies of the Wayside (meer info) London and Glasgow, Blackie and Son Limited, no date (73) p., bound in original boards with pictorial onlay and damaged dust jacket. Wear and age toning... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Flugten til Amerika Winther, Christian and Schmidt, Alfred (ills.) Flugten til Amerika Kobenhavn, Gyldendalske Boghandel - Nordik Verlag, 1934 8th edition, 14 pp., bound in half cloth and pictorial boards. Boards worn, tape on hinges, some spo... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Fluitekruid Kindergedichten Wilkeshuis, C. en [Jenny Dalenoord] (ills.) Fluitekruid Kindergedichten Zutphen, N.V. W. J. Thieme, [1961] 45 pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Goed exemplaar. Ills. in zwart-oranje. 25 x 17 cm. € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Folder Stadsschouwburg Amst... Worm, Piet (ills.) Folder Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam Voordacht van Charlotte Kohler Vier maal gevouwen folder met 2 illustraties van Piet Worm, foto's en advertenties. 28,5 x 44 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Marshak, S. - For children Marshak, S. For children Moscow, State Publishing House of Children's Literature of the Ministry of Education of the RSFFSR, 1956 112 pp., bound in pictorial cloth. Boards smudgy, name and dedication on verso title page, age tonin... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Forar i Bulderby Lindgren, Astrid and Wikland, Ilon (ills.) translation by Ellen Kirk Forar i Bulderby (meer info) Copenhagen, Gyldendahl, 1966 (30) pp., bound in half cloth and pictorial boards. Name in felt pen on fly leaf, water damge to one... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Frankenstein Takes the Cake Rex, Adam Frankenstein Takes the Cake Orlando, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2008 (40) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Small tear in jacket (back), very good copy. Ills. in colour. 2... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Fransje Elswoudt Een verhaa... Kok, Truida en Jan Sluijters. (ills. en band)) Fransje Elswoudt Een verhaal voor meisjes Amsterdam, H.J.W. Becht, [1904] Eerste druk, 232 pp., gebonden in geillustreerd linnen. Mooi exemplaar. Ills. in zwart-wit. 21 x 16 ... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Franz Schubert Osterreichs ... Kirchl, A. and F. Wacik (ills.) Franz Schubert Osterreichs Ruhmeshalle Patriotisch Jugend- und Volksbilderbuch Prag Wien Leipzig, A. Haase, 1915 (12) pp., centre-stitched (= restoration) in quarter cloth with pictorial boards. Wear on boards, ag... € 15.00
€ 6,95
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Frats de clown Een Lampioen... Krijbolder, Annet en Velsen, C. van (ills.) Frats de clown Een Lampioen Boekje Utrecht, Uitgeverij De Lanteern, [1968?] (22) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Goed exemplaar. Ills. in kleur.22 x 18 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Frisky, the Squirrel Uncle ... B.E.C. [C.E. Bowen] Frisky, the Squirrel Uncle Ned's Picture Books (meer info) New York, McLoughlin Bros., [1873] First edition, (16) pp., sewn in new thin cardboard with original front wrapper pasted on. Solid cop... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Fritz und Franz  ein Bruder... Fritz und Franz ein Bruderpaar wie noch keins auf erden war Hehel & Schade No 107 Leipzig, Hegel & Schade, 1921 (24) pp., centre-stitched in quarter cloth (= restoration), pictorial stiff paper wrappers. Waer on... € 30.00
€ 4,25
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Fritz und Liese Ein buntes ... Schmidhammer, Arpad Fritz und Liese Ein buntes Marchen gereimt und gezeichnet von Arpad Schmidhammer Mainz, Jos. Scholz Verlag, [1920] (32) pp, bound in quarter cloth and pictorial boards. Spine restored, age toning, few little spots. ... € 150.00
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From A to Z Rass, Rebecca and Willem (ills.) From A to Z Amsterdam, Thomas Rap Publishers, 1969 (66) pp.m sewn in pictorial stiff paper wrappers. Edges rubbed, Age toning and shelf wear, good copy... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Froux le lievere (Albums de... Lida and Rojan (ills.) Froux le lievere (Albums de Pere Castor) Paris, Flammarion Editeur, 1940 35 pp., stapled in stiff pictorial paper wrappers. Age toning, shelf wear, small label on verso fron... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Fulesmacko Uj Baratai Janczarski, Czeslaw, Zbigniew Rychlicki (ills.) and Eva Sebok (translation) Fulesmacko Uj Baratai Warszawa, Nasza Ksiegarnia, 1967 75, (5) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Wear on boards, interior fine. very good copy with illustrat... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Fun at the Seaside Pictures... Neilson, Harry B. (ills.) Fun at the Seaside Pictures and Verses for Little Folk London, Glasgow and Bombay, Blackie and Son Limited, no year 24 pp. , bound in half cloth and pictorial boards. Edges boards have, boards smudgy, inner hinge par... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Funfzig Fabeln fur Kinder v... Hey, W. and Otto Speckter (ills.) Funfzig Fabeln fur Kinder von W. Hey. In Bildern gezeichnet von Otto Speckter. Nebst einem ernsthaften Anhange Neue Ausgabe mit Holzschnitten nach neuen Zeichnungen Hamburg, Friedrich Berthes, [appr. 1860] ii, (100), iii, 40 pp., bound in pictorial boards. Wear on boards, age toning, spots and water stai... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Fur die lieben Kleinen Stef... Wewerka, Stefan [Steffan] ; Diter Roth ; Rudolf Rieser ; Alois Katschthaler Fur die lieben Kleinen Stefan Wewerkas Fruhlinkskindermalbuchwalzer Stuttgart, Koln, London H. Mayer 1969 Pictorial wrappers (softcover), 12p (Japanese binding), chiefly illustrations, 22 cm. Light wear on ... € 100.00
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Fyrtojet illustreret af Han... Andersen, H.C. and Hans Tegner (ills.) Fyrtojet illustreret af Hans Tegner Anden (Faksimile) Utgave (Fireworks) Kobenhavn Kristiana, Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, 1909 (16) pp., bound in quarter faux leather and pictorial boards. Age toning and some wear on boards. Ve... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Ga van onze trein af! Burningham, John Ga van onze trein af! Houten, Van Holkema & Warendorf, 1995 (44) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Mooi exemplaar. ills. in kleur. 24 x 29 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Gaba Den lille Gronlaender ... Gaba Den lille Gronlaender Tegnet og fortalt af Gitz-Johansen Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1947 (3), 25 pp., bound in half faux leather and pictorial boards. Wear on boards, age toning, name in in... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Gaetan der Fasan Eine Jagdg... Rocca, Guido and Cingoli, Gulio and Carloni, Giancarlo (ills.) Gaetan der Fasan Eine Jagdgeschichte Ravensburg, Otto Maier Verlag, 1961 60, (2) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Age toning and shelf wear, fine copy. Ills. in colour. 30 x ... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Galinka Ehrenfest en El Pin... Horn, Linda Galinka Ehrenfest en El Pintor 'Vraag Einstein of hij mijn viool meeneemt’ Amsterdam, Uitgeverij De Buitenkant, 2019 192 pp., gebonden in linnen. Als nieuw, met buikbandje. Veel illustraties in kleur. 27 x 21 cm. € 45.00
€ 4,25
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Gallery Five Children's Fri... Pienkowski, Jan Gallery Five Children's Frieze ABC no place, Gallery Five, 1971 ABC Frieze, paper, leporello, 24 x 252 cm, 2 letters on 1 colourful illustrated page (24 x 21 cm). W... € 250.00
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Games the Maoris Played Reed, A.W. and Dennis Turner (ills.) Games the Maoris Played Wellington, A.H. and A.W. Reed, 1958 First edition, 31 pp., bound in pictorial boards and pictorial dust jacket. Light wear on jacket and... € 30.00
€ 4,25
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Gamle fru Glad og hendes hu... Hellsing, Lennart and Spang Olsen, Ib (ills.) Gamle fru Glad og hendes hund version of Sara Catherine Martins gamle remse (The comic adventures of Old Mother Hubbard and her dog) [Copenhagen], Gyldendal, 1974 First Danish edition, 22 pp. bound in pictorial boards. Shelf wear and age-toning, fine copy. Ills. ... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Gansje Gak en meesters verj... Gansje Gak en meesters verjaardag Serie Vogelland 2 [Krommenie] , Victory Spelen, [195?] (16) pp, genaaid (= nette reparatie) in geïllustreerd karton. Wat roest op de platten, verder goed... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Gansje Kwak Walschap, Gerard en Bus (ills.) Gansje Kwak Antwerpen, van Tilborg & Kenens, 1942 107, (1) pp., genaaid gebrocheerd in geillustreerd dik papier, Boekblok laat los van omslag. Ills. i... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Gare aux trains! Les enquet... Orban, Jean-Piere and Clabots, Francoise Gare aux trains! Les enquetes de Marlou et Kioui Paris/Bruxelles/Montreal, Gamma-Labor-Heritage, 1991 30 pp., bound in pictorial boards. As good as new. Illustrations in colour. 25 x 20 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Gartenlaube Bilderbuch Der ... Gartenlaube Bilderbuch Der deutschen Jugend gewidmet vom Verlag der Gartenlaube Leipzig, Ernst Keil's Nachfolger G.m.b.H., [1902] 72 pp., bound in half cloth and pictorial boards. Spine restored, as are some tears. A few illustrat... € 10.00
€ 6,95
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Gaspard the Fox Soanes, Zeb and Mayhew, James Gaspard the Fox Llanelli, Graffeg, 2018 (32) pp., bound in pictorial boards. As new. Ills. in colour. 25 x 25 cm. € 15.00
€ 4,25
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