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| Pagina : 1 ... 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ... 73 |

Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Nicky en het hobbelpaard Mamlok, Gwyneth (vertaling Inge Groeneveld) Nicky en het hobbelpaard Amersfoort, Roelofs van Goor, [1966] (25) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Goed exemplaar. Ills. in kleur en in zwart-wit. 28 x 22 ... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Nicola's Bayley's Book of N... Bayley, Nicola Nicola's Bayley's Book of Nursery Rhymes London, Jonathan Cape, 1975 (30) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Fine copy. Ills. in colour. 25 x 19 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Niel Kockere, Geert de en Cneut, Carll (ills.) Niel Wielsbeke, De Eenhoorn, 1998 (30) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Goed exemplaar. Ills. in kleur. 21 x 30 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Niels Holgersson's wonderba... Lagerlof, Selma en Margaretha Meyboom (vertaling) Niels Holgersson's wonderbare reis met foto's uit de film Amsterdam Antwerpen, H.J.W. Becht's uitgeversmaatschappij N.V. Diogenes (P.V.B.A. Neirynck, [1963] Achtste druk, 381 pp., gebonden met stofomslag. Mooi exemplaar met foto's in zwart-wit en boekhandel... € 15.00
€ 6,95
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Niets dan plezier [Hildebrandt, Marie] Niets dan plezier [Arnhem, H. ten Brink, 1925] (8) pp., geillustreerd karton, inclusief band, gebonden in half linnen. Slijtage aanboden- en onderk... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Spier, Peter - Nieuw Amsterdam Spier, Peter Nieuw Amsterdam Rotterdam, Lemniscaat, 1983 (28) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Fraai exemplaar. Ills. in kleur. 21 x 26 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Nieuwe tekenmethode voor de... Kok, Piet Nieuwe tekenmethode voor de jeugd Boekje B-5 voor kinderen van 9 en 10 jaar Dieren Alkmaar, Arti, [1947] (12) pp., inclusief omslag, stevig papier, geniet. Verkleurd, goed exemplaar. 15 x 23 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Nieuwe vriendjes! Maathuis-Ilcken, S., Dietz, en J. Berh. Bokhorst (Midderigh-Bokhorst) (ills.) Nieuwe vriendjes! Deventer, AE. A. Kluwer, [1903] (62), 2 pp., gebonden in half linnen en geillustreerd karton. Redelijk exemplaar,. boekblok is aan h... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Nigirimeshigorogoro Childre... Kobayashi, Teruko and Sueyoshi (ills.) Nigirimeshigorogoro Children's Friends No. 334 1 Tokyo, Fukuinkan-Shoten, 1984 (32) p., stapled in thin pictorial cardboards. Small tear (1 cm) in front cover, else very good cop... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Nijenheuvel met plaatjes Osselen-van Delden, Mevr. van Nijenheuvel met plaatjes Amsterdam, Allert de Lange, [1917] Tweede druk, 168 pp., gebonden in geillustreerd linnen. Zwarte viltstift-streep op titelpagina, verd... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Bruna, Dick - Nijntjes ABC Bruna, Dick Nijntjes ABC Amsterdam, Mercis Publishing, 2002 (12) pp. cardboard (including cover) with illustrations and a sliding picture to show picture, lette... € 75.00
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Nijntjes verjaardag Een gou... Bruna, Dick Nijntjes verjaardag Een gouden boekje Amsterdam, Rubinstein, 2013 Derde druk, (26) pp., geniet in karton. Mooi exemplaar. 19 x 17 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Nikdo Nejde Sam Hons, Josef and Foll, Dobroslav (ills.) Nikdo Nejde Sam Praha, Statni nakladatelstvi Detske Knihy, 1963 203, (4) pp., bound in glazed pictorial boards with reading ribbons. Age toning and shelf wear, goo... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Nikkie en Sanne in de tuin Ichikawa, Satom1 en Harriet Laurey (vertaling) Nikkie en Sanne in de tuin Averbode Haarlem, Uitgeverij Altiora Uitgeverij J.H. Gottmer, 1978 (29) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Naam in pen op schutblad. Mooi exemplaar. Ills. in kleu... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Nikkie en Sanne reizen de w... Ichikawa, Satomi en Harriet Laurey (vertaling) Nikkie en Sanne reizen de wereld rond Haarlem, Uitgeverij J.H. Gottmer, 1984 29 pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Goed exemplaar. Ills. in kleur. 28 x 2 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Nina's book of little things Haring, Keith Nina's book of little things Munich London New York, Prestel, 2000 Reprint, (68) pp., bound in yellow boards with pictorial dust jacket. Light shelf wear, fine copy. I... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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No. 1860 Postcards to colou... No. 1860 Postcards to colour with examples no place, no publisher, [appr. 1943, K-288] 16 pp. pictorial card board including cover, stapled. Light wear at head/tail spine, shelf wear, sta... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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No. 4 en No. 5  uit De Gruy... No. 4 en No. 5 uit De Gruyter's serie St. Nicolaasliedjes Kaart van 10 x 15 cm, aand beide kanten bedrukt in kleur. Fraai exemplaar. De Zak van Sinterklaas en... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Noah's Ark (signed by the a... Spier, Peter Noah's Ark (signed by the author) Garden City, Doubleday & Company Inc., 1977 (38) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Some wear on boards, good copy. Ills. in colour. 21 x 27 cm, € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Noah's Journey MacBeth, George and Margaret Gordon (ills.) Noah's Journey London, MacMillan and Co., 1966 First edition, (41) pp., bound in pictorial boards with dust jacket. Library sticker on spine jacke... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Nonante de Grospilon Calame, Alain and Zau (ills.) Nonante de Grospilon Paris, L'Ecole des Loisirs, 1967 First edition, 26 pp., bound in pictorial boards. Age toning and shelf wear, very good copy. Ills. ... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Nooit meer een lampion Diekmann, Miep en Dalenoord, Jenny (ills.) Nooit meer een lampion Den Haag, H.P. Leopold's Uitgeversmij N.V., 1958 Eerste druk, 233 pp;, gebonden in geillustreerd linnen met stofomslag. Goed exemplaar. Ills. in zwar... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Norah's Ark Cartwright, Ann and Cartwright, Reg (ills.) Norah's Ark London, Hutchinson, 1983 First edition, 28 pp., bound in pictorial boards. Light wear edges, good copy. Illustrations in c... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Nothing but cats, cats, cat... Skaar, Grace Nothing but cats, cats, cats A Young Scott Book New York, William R. Scott, Inc., Publisher, 1947 (28) pp., bound in half cloth and pictorial boards. Wear on boards, age toning, good copy. Ills. Ill... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Nouvel Alphabet Amusant   J... Nouvel Alphabet Amusant Jojo apprend ases lettres avec le sourire. (meer info) no place, no publisher, no date (14) pp., incl. wrappers, pictorial stiff paper. Front cover misses 4 little chips, back cover 2 chi... € 30.00
€ 3,92
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Nouvelles Transformations C... Nouvelles Transformations Comiques. (head-body-legs book). (meer info) facsimile end of the 19th. century Stiff pictorial paper, two folded and 2 pages in three parts, to form many illustrated theatre figur... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Nove rozpravky strycka remuse Harris, Joey Chandler and Janecek, Olga (ills.) Nove rozpravky strycka remuse Praha, Albatros, 1977 154 pp., bound in pictorial boards, Age toning and shelf wear, very good copy. Ills. in colour. 21 x... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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 - Nuovo Alfabeto Nuovo Alfabeto Torino, Edizioni Salvadeo, [197?] 48 pp., including cover, stapled, pictorial stiff paper. Some wear on cover, inside fine and clean. ... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Nutcracker Hoffmann, E.T.A. en Sendak, Maurice (ills.) Nutcracker London, The Bodley Head, 1984 102 pp., gebonden in linnen met stofomslag. Mooi exemplaar. Ills. in kleur. 26 x 25 cm. € 10.00
€ 6,95
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Nutshell Library Sendak, Maurice Nutshell Library (meer info) London, Collins, 1974 First British edition, 4 books (9 x 6,5 cm) bound in yellow cloth with black lettering and illustrat... € 45.00
€ 4,25
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O, alweer [Dutch edition of... Janikovszky, Eva and Laszlo Reber O, alweer [Dutch edition of Mar megint] t Harde : Mano, 1990 First edition in Dutch, 54 pp., bound in pictorial boards. Edges of spine scuffed. Ills. in colour. ... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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O Cordeirinho e o arco-iris Hol, Coby O Cordeirinho e o arco-iris Lisboa, Platano Editora, 2005 (22) pp., bound in pictorial boards. As good as new. Ills. in colour. 22 x 22 cm. € 15.00
€ 4,25
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O diese Kinder! Lustige Bub... Botticher, Georg and Emil Reinicke et al (ills.) O diese Kinder! Lustige Bubenschtreiche Mit Illustrationen von Th. Gratz, A. Hengeler, A. Oberlander, E. Reinicke, H. Schliessmann und Knittelreimen von Georg Botticher Munchen, Braun & Schneider, [no date ] Siebente Auflage, 111 pp., sewn in stiff paper wrappers with paste on title illustration (= restorat... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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O divej kacicke (Tale of th... Moric, Rudo and Cerna, Dagmar (ills.) O divej kacicke (Tale of the Wild Duck) Bratislava, Mlade leta, 1962 First edition, 20 pp. bound in pictorial boards. Some age-toning and shelf wear, fine copy. Illustra... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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O Homem Rico e o Sapateiro ... Wildsmith, Brian O Homem Rico e o Sapateiro Fabua de la Fontaine Translation of The Rich Man and the Shoe-maker Sao Paolo, Edições Melhoramentos, 1973 28 pp., sewn in stiff pictorial wrappers. Little sticker verso front cover, few spots on cover, age ... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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O Jablonce Petisca, Eduard and Helena Zmatlikova (ills.) O Jablonce Praha, Albatros, 1970 Fourth edition, (14) pp., including cover, pictorial cardboard. Wear and spots, but more than accept... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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O Jankovi Polienkovi Klucik, Peter and Durickova, Maria (ills.) translation Ludovu Rozpravku O Jankovi Polienkovi Bratislava, Vydali Mlade leta, 1991 12 pp illustrated pages of cardboard, bound in half cloth. Very good copy. 31 x 24 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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O Mudrci Bidpajovi a Jeho Z... Olbracht, Ivan and Seydl, Zdenek (ills.) O Mudrci Bidpajovi a Jeho Zviratkach Praze, Melantrich, 1947 First edition, 146, (3) pp., bound in half cloth with pictorial boards, with pictorial dust jacket. ... € 15.00
€ 6,95
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O slepicce a kohoutkovi Majerova, Marie and Karel Slovinsky (ills.) O slepicce a kohoutkovi Praha, Albatros, 1985 23 pp., bound in glazed pictorial boards. Light shelf wear and age toning, very good copy. Ills. in ... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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O, wat erg! Krever, Jetty en Dalenoord, Jenny (ills.) O, wat erg! Den Haag, Leopold, 1992 58 pp., gebonden in geïllustreerd karton. Goed exemplaar. Illustraties in zwart en wit. 22 x 17 cm... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Ocean A Photicular Book Kainen, Dan (created by) and CarolKaufman (written by) Ocean A Photicular Book New York, Workman Publishing, 2014 (17) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Small damage dor 'first' ocean. Very good copy. 20 x 21cm. € 15.00
€ 6,95
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Odwiedziny Krzeminska, Janina (ills.) Odwiedziny Warszawa, Agencja Wydawnicza RSW "Pras-Ksiazka-Ruch", 1974 (16) pp., stapled in pictorial stiff paper wrappers. Age toning and light shelf wear. Very good and ... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Eyzenbach, Tom - Oefwoef-Wafaf Eyzenbach, Tom Oefwoef-Wafaf Amsterdam/Utrecht, Van Goor, 2000 36 pp., gebonden in geïllustreerd karton. Mooi exemplaar. Illustraties in kleur. Met bouwplaat. 31... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Of Books & Long Tails (Sign... Grozni, Nikolai and Iva Sasheva (ills.) Of Books & Long Tails (Signed by author and illustrator) no place, Begemot, 2018 39 pp., bound in pictorial boards with dust jacket. light shelf wear, fine copy. Ills. in colour. 26... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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 - Off by Train  A Hercules Book Off by Train A Hercules Book [London], Thomas Nelson and Sons, no date 14 pp. cardboard, including covers with a cloth spine. Edges worn, light damage at head/tail spine, ... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Ogen van de tijgers Dragt, Tonke Ogen van de tijgers Den Haag, Leopold, 2005 Zesde druk, 389, (3) pp., gebonden in geïllustreerd karton (hardcover). Goed exemplaar. 22 x 17 c... € 25.00
€ 6,95
Antiq. Digitalis button
Oh, mein schöner Hut!  Ein ... Boisrobert, Anouck and Rigaud, Louis Oh, mein schöner Hut! Ein Pop-up Bilderbuch Berlin, Verlagshaus Jacoby Stuart GmbH, 2016 (28) pp., stiff paper, bound in pictorial boards. Small spot on one page, fine copy with all pop-ups... € 45.00
€ 6,95
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Oh! Un livre qui fait des sons Tullet, Herve Oh! Un livre qui fait des sons Montrouge, Bayard Editions, 2014 (64) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Light shelf wear, very good copy. Ills. in colour. 22 x 22 cm. € 15.00
€ 4,25
Antiq. Digitalis button
 - Ohne Fleiss keine Preis. 193 Ohne Fleiss keine Preis. 193 no place, J.S.M., no date (12) pp., centre-stitched (= restoration) in stiff pictorial gilded wrappers. Six fill page illustra... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Noha, Jan - Okenko do nebe Noha, Jan Okenko do nebe Praha, Albatros, 1982 49 pp,, bound in pictorial boards. Light shelf wear, fine copy. Full page illustrations in colour. 2... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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| Pagina : 1 ... 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ... 73 |