Alle boeken van Louis Tinner uit Tilburg


Louis Tinner heeft in totaal 26635 boeken

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Er zijn in totaal 4914 boeken gevonden.

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| Pagina : 1 ... 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ... 99 |

Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
The Experiment / Georgia's ... Lee, Eric The Experiment / Georgia's Forgotten Revolution 1918-1921 ZED 2017, 288pp, paperback, goed exemplaar, opdracht voorin € 15.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Extreme Right in Europe... Ebels-Dolanova, Vera The Extreme Right in Europe and the United States Anne Frank Stichting 1984, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 6.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Failure of Authoritaria... Gerrits, André W.M. The Failure of Authoritarian Change: Reform Opposition and Geo politics in Poland in the 1980's Dartmouth 1990, hardcover, mooi exemplaar / fine copy € 25.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Fall of Japan / The end... Craig, William The Fall of Japan / The end of an Empire The Dial Press 1967, hardcover, gebruikssporen aan stofomslag / wear on dustjacket € 8.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Fall of Yugoslavia: The... Glenny, Misha The Fall of Yugoslavia: The Third Balkan War Penguin 1992, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 15.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Fastned Story / deel I  II Lubbers, Bart The Fastned Story / deel I II Boekenbent, Uitgeverij 2014, 240pp, paperback, goed exemplaar € 10.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Fat Bulldog Roams Again Courtauld, George The Fat Bulldog Roams Again Abacus 1999, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 7.50
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The First Day on the Somme ... Middlebrook, Martin The First Day on the Somme / 1 July 1916 Penguin 1988, paperback, goed exemplaar, leesvouwen in rug € 10.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The First Elizabeth Erickson, Carolly The First Elizabeth St. Martin's Griffin 1997, 447pp, paperback, goed exemplaar € 6.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The First Emperor / Caesar ... Everitt, Anthony The First Emperor / Caesar Augustus and the triumph of Rome John Murray Press 2007, paperback, goed exemplaar, enige vergeling € 10.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The First Emperor of China Wood, Frances The First Emperor of China Profile Books 2007, 209pp, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 15.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The First Guidebook to Pris... Shifrin, Avraham The First Guidebook to Prisons and Concentration Camps of the Soviet Union Bantam Books 1982, paperback, kaft verkleurd, gebruikssporen / yellowing on cover, wear € 15.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The First Industrial Nation... Mathias, Peter The First Industrial Nation: An Economic History of Britain 1700-1914 Methuen 1976, paperback, leesvouwen in rug € 7.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The First Salute / A View o... Tuchman, Barbara W. The First Salute / A View of the American Revolution Cardinal 1990, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 8.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The First World War Prior, Robin / Trevor Wilson The First World War Cassell 1999, hardcover, scheurtje in stofomslag € 10.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The First World War Keegan, John The First World War PIMLICO 1999, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 8.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The First World War / An Il... Keegan, John The First World War / An Illustrated History Pimlico 2002, 456pp, softcover, goed exemplaar, ex libris voorin € 15.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The First World War, 1914-1918 Hardach, Gerd The First World War, 1914-1918 Pelican 1987, paperback, goed exemplaar, kaft verkleurd € 5.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Fitzgeralds and the Ken... Goodwin, Doris Kearns The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys / An American Saga Simon Schuster 1987, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 25.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Flowering of the Middle... Evans, Joan The Flowering of the Middle Ages Bonanza Books 1985, hardcover, goed exemplaar, lichte gebruikssporen aan stofomslag / light wear on dustjacket € 25.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Forbidden Best-Sellers ... Darnton, Robert The Forbidden Best-Sellers of Pre- Revolutionary France W. W. Norton & Co. 1995, 464pp, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 25.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Forgotten Tribes of China Sinclair, Kevin The Forgotten Tribes of China Cupress 1987, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 10.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Formation of Political ... Emmons, Terence The Formation of Political Parities and the First National Elections in Russia Harvard University Press 1983, hardcover, gebruikssporen aan stofomslag / wear on dustjacket € 25.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Foundation of Rome / My... Alexandre Grandazzi, Jane Marie Todd The Foundation of Rome / Myth and History Cornell University Press 1997, paperback, goed exemplaar € 12.50
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Founding / A dramatic a... Barbash, Fred The Founding / A dramatic account of the writing of the Constitution Linden Press 1987, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar € 6.00
€ 3,80
Louis Tinner
The Four Seasons of the Hou... Judith Spencer (translation) The Four Seasons of the House of Cerruti Facts On File Inc 1984, hardcover with dust jacket, good copy € 12.50
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Fourteenth Century 1307... McKisack, May The Fourteenth Century 1307-1399 (The Oxford History of England V) Oxford at the Clarendon Press 1971, hardcover, stofomslag verkleurd, scheurtjes / yellowing on dustjacket, small cracks € 20.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Fourth Service: Merchan... Slader, John The Fourth Service: Merchantmen at War 1939-45 Robert Hale 1994, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar, naam voorin / good copy, name on first page € 25.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The French Revolution Sydenham, M.J. The French Revolution Batsford 1965, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar/Fine copy € 6.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The French Revolution Rudé, George The French Revolution Weidenfeld Nicolson 1988, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar € 5.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The French Revolution Andress, Dr David The French Revolution Head of Zeus 2019, 216pp, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 25.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The French Rothschilds: The... Lottman, Herbert R. The French Rothschilds: The Great Banking Dynasty Through Two Turbulent Centuries Crown 1995, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar, naam voorin / good copy, name on first page € 25.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Fringes of Power / Down... Colville, John The Fringes of Power / Downing Street Diaries / Volume 1: 1939-October 1941 Sceptre 1986, paperback, lichte gebruikssporen aan kaft / light wear on cover € 8.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Fringes of Power: Downi... Colville, John The Fringes of Power: Downing Street Diaries 1939-1955 Weidenfeld Nicolson 2004, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 25.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Frontier in the Formati... Horsman, Reginald The Frontier in the Formative Years 1783-1815 Holt, Rinehard and Winston 1970, paperback, kaft verkleurd, leesvouwen / yellowing, some wear € 25.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Frontier Scouts Trench, Charles Chenevix The Frontier Scouts Oxford Univ Pr 1986, paperback, goed exemplaar, naam voorin / good copy, name on first page € 25.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Frontiersman / The rel ... Derr, Mark The Frontiersman / The rel life and the many legends of Davy Crockett Quill 1993, paperback, goed exemplaar € 5.00
€ 3,70
Louis Tinner
The General vs. the Preside... H. W. Brands The General vs. the President / Macarthur and Truman at the Brink of Nuclear War Doubleday 2016, 416pp, hardcover met stofomslag, mooi exemplaar / fine copy € 17.50
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Georgian Star - How Wil... Lemonick, Michael The Georgian Star - How William and Caroline Herschel Revolutionized Our Understanding of the Cosmos (Great Discoveries) / How William and Caroline Herschel Revolutionized Our Understanding of the Cosmos W. W. Norton Company / Atlas Co 2009, 224pp, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 8.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Georgians at Home Burton, Elizabeth The Georgians at Home Arrow 1973, paperback € 7.00
€ 3,75
Louis Tinner
The German Century Michael Stürmer The German Century Weidenfeld Nicolson 1999, hardcover with dust jacket, good copy / goed exemplaar € 8.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The German General Staff an... General von Falkenhayn The German General Staff and its Decisions 1914-1916 Dodd, Mead and Company 1920, hardcover, rug zit los aan de binnenkant, geen stofomslag € 25.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The German Problem Reconsid... David Calleo The German Problem Reconsidered / Germany and the World Order 1870 to the Present Cambridge University Press 1988, 252pp, paperback, goed exemplaar € 25.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Golden Age / Manuscript... Thomas, Marcel The Golden Age / Manuscript Painting at the Time of Jean, Duke of Berry George Braziller 1996, 119pp, softcover, goed exemplaar / good copy € 10.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Good Nazi / The Life  L... Vat, Dan van der The Good Nazi / The Life Lies of Albert Speer Weidenfeld Nicolson 1997, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar, naam voorin € 15.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Grand Peregrination (As... Collis, Maurice The Grand Peregrination (Aspects of Portugal) Carcanet 1990, hardcover with dust jacket / good copy € 20.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Grand Scuttle / The Sin... Vat, Dan van der The Grand Scuttle / The Sinking of the German Fleet at Scapa Flow in 1919 Naval Inst Press 1988, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 10.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner
The Great Age of Sail Jobé, Joseph The Great Age of Sail Patrick Stephens 1977, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 10.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Great Archaeologists an... Bacon, Edward The Great Archaeologists and their discoveries as originally reported in the pages of The Illustrated London News Bobbs-Merrill 1976, hardcover, goed exemplaar, stofomslag verkleurd € 6.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Great Bombay Explosion Ennis, John The Great Bombay Explosion Duell, Sloan and Pearce 1959, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 20.00
€ 3,85
Louis Tinner

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