Alle boeken van Louis Tinner uit Tilburg


Louis Tinner heeft in totaal 27048 boeken

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Er zijn in totaal 5042 boeken gevonden.

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| Pagina : 1 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ... 101 |

Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
The Lyle Official Arms and ... Curtis, Tony The Lyle Official Arms and Armour Review 1979 Lyle Publications 1978, hardcover, scheurtjes in stofomslag / small tears in dustjacket € 10.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Macmillans Davenport-Hines, Richard The Macmillans Heinemann 1992, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 10.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Magical Chorus / A Hist... Volkov, Solomon The Magical Chorus / A History of Russian Culture from Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn Alfred A Knopf 2008, 333pp, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 10.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Magnificent Mitscher Taylor, Theodore The Magnificent Mitscher Naval Inst Press 1991, hardcover, gebruikssporen aan stofomslag / wear on dustjacket € 15.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Making of King James II... Callow, John The Making of King James II / The Formative Years of a Fallen King Sutton 2000, hardcover met stofomslag, mooi exemplaar € 15.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Mammoth Book of War Cor... Lewis, Jon E. The Mammoth Book of War Correspondents Carroll Graf 2001, paperback, goed exemplaar € 7.50
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Man Who Broke Purple / ... Clark, Ronald The Man Who Broke Purple / The Life of Colonel William F. Friedman, Who Deciphered the Japanese Code in World War II Little, Brown Company 1977, hardcover, lichte gebruikssporen aan stofomslag / light wear on dustjacket € 15.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Many Lives and Secret S... Gulland, Sandra The Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B. HEADLINE REVIEW 1999, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 8.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Marauders Ogburn, Charlton jr The Marauders Harper Brothers 1959, hardcover, lichte gebruikssporen aan stofomslag / light wear on dustjacket € 10.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The March of Unreason / Sci... Taverne, Dick The March of Unreason / Science, Democracy, and the New Fundamentalism Oxford University Press 2005, 320pp, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 15.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Mating Mind / How Sexua... Miller, Geoffrey The Mating Mind / How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature Heinemann 2000, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 20.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Mavericks / The Militar... Harvey, Robert The Mavericks / The Military Commanders who Changed the Course of History Constable 2008, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 15.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Measure of All Things /... Alder, Ken The Measure of All Things / The Seven-Year Odyssey that Transformed the World Little, Brown 2002, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 15.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The medieval health handboo... Cogliati Arano, Luisa The medieval health handbook / Tacuinum sanitatis Barrie Jenkins 1976, hardcover in slipcase, fair copy, some foxing on endpapers and edges, some minor wear to slipc... € 7.50
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Medieval Leper and his ... Richards, Peter The Medieval Leper and his northern heirs Brewer Rowman Littlefield 1977, hardcover, lichte gebruikssporen aan stofomslag / light wear on dustjacket € 15.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Mediterranean / Cradle ... Streeter, Michael The Mediterranean / Cradle of European Culture New Holland 2006, 240pp, hardcover met stofomslag, mooi exemplaar / fine copy € 20.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Memoirs of Fray Servando Servando, Fray The Memoirs of Fray Servando Oxford University Press 1998, paperback, goed exemplaar € 5.00
€ 3,92
Louis Tinner
The Middle Ages / 395-1500 Strayer, Joseph R. / Dana C. Munro The Middle Ages / 395-1500 Goodyear 1970, 5th edition, hardcover, goed exemplaar, naam voorin, lichte gebruikssporen aan kaft / name on ... € 7.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Middle Ages (The Cambri... Annie Shaver-Crandell The Middle Ages (The Cambridge Introduction to Art) Cambridge University Press 1992, paperback, goed exemplaar, good copy € 6.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Ministry of Guidance In... Majd, Hooman The Ministry of Guidance Invites You to Not Stay / An American Family in Iran Penguin Books Ltd 2014, 272pp, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 12.50
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Miracle of Dunkirk Lord, Walter The Miracle of Dunkirk Naval Inst Press 1982, hardcover, goed exemplaar, wat gebruikssporen aan stofomslag / some wear € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Miracle of Freedom / Se... Stewart, Ted / Chris Stewart The Miracle of Freedom / Seven Tipping Points That Saved the World SHADOW MOUNTAIN PUB 2011, 296pp, hardcover met stofomslag, achterin het boek is een envelop geplakt € 15.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Monks of War / The Mili... Seward, Desmond The Monks of War / The Military Religious Orders Penguin Group USA 1996, 415pp, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Monster of Florence / A... Preston, Douglas The Monster of Florence / A true story Grand Central Pub 2008, 322pp, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / hardcover with dustjacket, good copy € 25.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Moynihan Report and the... Rainwater, Lee / William L. Yancey The Moynihan Report and the Politics of Controversy: A Trans-Action Social Science and Public Policy Report. Including the full Text of "The Negro Family: The Case for National Action" by Daniel Patrick Moynihan MIT Press 1967, paperback, kaft beschadigd (leesvouwen, slijtage) € 25.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Muslim Brotherhood and ... Martyn Frampton The Muslim Brotherhood and the West / A History of Enmity and Engagement Harvard University Press 2018, hardcover met stofomslag, mooi exemplaar / fine copy € 20.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Mysterious Mistress / T... Crosland, Margaret The Mysterious Mistress / The Life and Legend of Jane Shore Sutton 2006, hardcover met stofomslag, mooi exemplaar € 7.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Mythology of Sex Sarah Dening The Mythology of Sex MacMillan 1996, hardcover with dust jacket, good copy € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Naked Emperor / An Anth... Fultz, Barbara The Naked Emperor / An Anthology of International Political Satire Pegasus 1970, hardcover, gebruikssporen aan stofomslag € 5.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Narcissism of Minor Dif... Baldwin, Peter The Narcissism of Minor Differences / How America and Europe Are Alike Oxford University Press 2009, 321pp, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 10.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Narrow Corridor / State... Daron Acemoglu, James A. Robinson The Narrow Corridor / States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty Penguin Publishing Group 2019, 576pp, paperback, goed exemplaar, leesvouwen in rug € 15.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The National Trust Guide to... Gebhard, David The National Trust Guide to Art Deco in America Preservation Press 1996, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 15.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The National Trust Guide to... Shuel, Brian The National Trust Guide to the Traditional Customs of Britain Webb Bower 1986, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Nazi Question: an Essay... Aycoberry, Pierre The Nazi Question: an Essay on the Interpretations of National Socialsim 1922-1975 Pantheon Books 1981, paperback, goed exemplaar, naam voorin / good copy, name on first page € 7.50
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Nazi Terror / Gestapo, ... Johnson, Eric The Nazi Terror / Gestapo, Jews Ordinary Germans John Murray 2000, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar € 25.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Netherlands and the Gol... Griffiths, Richard T. The Netherlands and the Gold Standard 1931-1936 / A Study in policy information and policy NEHA 1987, paperback, goed exemplaar € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Netherlands and the int... Griffiths, Richard T. The Netherlands and the integration of Europe 1945-1957 NEHA 1990, paperback, goed exemplaar, bevat wat aanstrepingen, meeste in de kantlijn € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Netherlands-Ceylon heri... Jongens, E. The Netherlands-Ceylon heritage / four hundred years of relations between the Netherlands and Ceylon/Sri Lanka Netherlands Alumni Association of Lanka 2003, hardcover, lichte gebruikssporen / light wear € 15.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The New Suez Canal / A chal... Vroege, Bas The New Suez Canal / A challenge in time Paradox 2015, hardcover, mooi exemplaar € 30.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The New Suez Canal / A chal... Vroege, Bas The New Suez Canal / A challenge in time Paradox 2015, hardcover, mooi exemplaar € 60.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Night Lives On / New Th... Lord, Walter The Night Lives On / New Thoughts, Theories and Revelations about the Titicanic William Morrow 1986, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 15.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Nivelle Offensive and t... Andrew Uffindell The Nivelle Offensive and the Battle of the Aisne 1917 / A Battlefield Guide to the Chemin Des Dames Pen & Sword Books Ltd 2015, 224pp, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 25.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Nobility of Failure: Tr... Morris, Ivan The Nobility of Failure: Tragic Heroes in the History of Japan Charles E. Tuttle Pub 1982, paperback, wat vlekjes op schutblad / some small stains € 15.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Norma Beginner's Guide Kvale, Nils The Norma Beginner's Guide Amotfors Guns 1968, paperback, geniet, lichte gebruikssporen / some wear € 10.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Normans and Their Myth Davis, R.H.C. The Normans and Their Myth Thames Hudson 1976, paperback, goed exemplaar, kaft verkleurd / yellowing on cover € 6.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Nuremberg Raid 30-31 Ma... Middlebrook, Martin The Nuremberg Raid 30-31 March 1944 William Morrow 1974, hardcover, geen stofomslag / no dustjacket € 5.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Obamas / A Mission, A M... Kantor, Jodi The Obamas / A Mission, A Marriage Penguin Books Ltd 2012, 384pp, paperback, mooi exemplaar / fine copy € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Odyssey of C.H. Lightoller Stenson, Patrick The Odyssey of C.H. Lightoller Norton 1984, hardcover, scheutjes in stofomslag / small tears in dustjacket € 15.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Ontological Argument (N... Barnes, Jonathan The Ontological Argument (New Study in Philosophy of Religion) Macmillan / St Martin's Press 1972, hardcover, scheurtje in stofomslag / small tear in dustjacket € 35.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Origins of Christian Mo... Meeks, Wayne A The Origins of Christian Morality - The First Two Centuries (Paper) Yale University Press 1995, paperback, good copy € 10.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner

| Pagina : 1 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ... 101 |