Alle boeken van Louis Tinner uit Tilburg


Louis Tinner heeft in totaal 27048 boeken

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Er zijn in totaal 5042 boeken gevonden.

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| Pagina : 1 ... 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 ... 101 |

Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
The Other Balkan Wars / A 1... Kennan, George F. The Other Balkan Wars / A 1913 Carnegie Endowment Inquiry in Retrospect CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT 1993, 418pp, paperback, goed exemplaar € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Other Tudors / Henry VI... Jones, Philippa The Other Tudors / Henry VIII's Mistresses and Bastards New Holland 2009, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 10.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Ottoman Empire and the ... Suraiya Faroqhi The Ottoman Empire and the World Around it I.B.Tauris Co Ltd 2004, hardcover with dust jacket, good copy € 30.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Outside Story / How Dem... Brookhiser, Richard The Outside Story / How Democrats and Republicans Reelected Reagan Doubleday 1986, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar, naam voorin / good copy, name on first page € 10.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Owl Papers Maslow, Jonathan Evan The Owl Papers Vintage 1988, paperback, goed exemplaar € 4.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Oxford Book of Military... Hastings, Max The Oxford Book of Military Anecdotes Oxford Univ Pr 2002, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 12.50
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Oxford Companion to Mil... Richard Holmes The Oxford Companion to Military History Oxford University Press 2003, softcover, goed exemplaar / good copy € 35.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Oxford Dictionary of th... Roberts, John The Oxford Dictionary of the Classical World Oxford University Press 2005, hardcover with dust jacket, good copy € 17.50
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Oxford Guide to Ideas  ... Bruce M. Metzger e.a. The Oxford Guide to Ideas Issues of the Bible Oxford University Press 2001, hardcover with dust jacket, good copy € 10.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Oxford Guide to Ideas  ... Bruce M. Metzger e.a. The Oxford Guide to Ideas Issues of the Bible Oxford University Press 2001, hardcover with dust jacket, good copy € 10.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Oxford History of the F... Doyle, William The Oxford History of the French Revolution Oxford University Press 1990, paperback, goed exemplaar € 7.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Pangreh praja in Java u... Sato, Shigeru The Pangreh praja in Java under Japanese military rule Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, deel 152 1996, 22pp, softcover, goed exemplaar € 20.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
Johnson, Paul - The Papacy Johnson, Paul The Papacy Weidenfeld Nicolson 1997, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar / good copy € 10.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Party / The Secret Worl... McGregor, Richard The Party / The Secret World of China's Communist Rulers Penguin UK 2012, 336pp, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Paston Letters Warrington, John The Paston Letters Everyman's Library 1975, hardcover, gebruikssporen aan stofomslag € 7.50
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Paston Letters / Volume 2 Warrington, John (editor) The Paston Letters / Volume 2 Everyman's Library 1967, hardcover, gebruikssporen aan stofomslag / wear on dustjacket € 7.50
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Paths of History Diakonoff, Igor M. The Paths of History Cambridge University Press 1999, 368pp, paperback, mooi exemplaar / fine copy € 20.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Patriarch / The Remarka... Nasaw, David The Patriarch / The Remarkable Life and Turbulent Times of Joseph P. Kennedy Penguin Books Ltd 2015, 896pp, paperback, mooi exemplaar / fine copy € 10.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Patterns of War Since t... Addington, Larry H. The Patterns of War Since the Eighteenth Century Indiana University Press 1994, 384pp, paperback, naam voorin; gebruikssporen aan kaft / name on first page, wear on cover € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Penguin Atlas of D-Day ... Man, John The Penguin Atlas of D-Day and the Normandy Campaign Penguin 1994, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 6.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Penguin Book of Histori... MacArthur, Brian The Penguin Book of Historic Speeches Viking 1995, hardcover, goed exemplaar, lichte gebruikssporen aan stofomslag / good copy, light wear on dus... € 10.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Penguin Book of Journal... Glover, Stephen The Penguin Book of Journalism / Secrets of the press Penguin 2000, paperback, mooi exemplaar € 7.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Penguin Book of Twentie... MacArthur, Brian The Penguin Book of Twentieth-Century Speeches Viking 1992, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar € 5.00
€ 5,95
Louis Tinner
The Penguin Dictionary of A... Speake, Graham The Penguin Dictionary of Ancient History Penguin 1995, paperback, goed exemplaar € 5.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Peninsula Years / Brita... Richards, D.S. The Peninsula Years / Britain's Red Coats in Spain Portugal Pen Sword 2002, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar € 6.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Pentagon and the Art of... Luttwak, Edward N. The Pentagon and the Art of War Simon Schuster 1985, paperback, goed exemplaar, naam voorin / good copy, name on first page € 35.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Peoples of the Hills / ... Burney, Charles / David Marshall Lang The Peoples of the Hills / Ancient Ararat and Caucasus Phoenix Press 2001, paperback, goed exemplaar € 10.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Peoples of the Hills / ... Burney, Charles / David Marshall Lang The Peoples of the Hills / Ancient Ararat and Caucasus Phoenix Press 2001, paperback, goed exemplaar, vouwtje in kaft € 10.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The People's Republic of Ch... Rodzinski, Witold The People's Republic of China: Reflections on Chinese Political History Since 1949 Fontana Press 1989, paperback, goed exemplaar € 6.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Peopling of British Nor... Bailyn, Bernard The Peopling of British North America / An Introduction VINTAGE BOOKS 1988, Paperback, goed exemplaar € 5.00
€ 3,92
Louis Tinner
The Pequot-Mohican War Bonfanti, Leo The Pequot-Mohican War Pride Publications 1971, 64pp, softcover, geniet € 5.00
€ 3,75
Louis Tinner
The Perilous Crown / France... Price, Munro The Perilous Crown / France between Revolution 1814-1848 MACMILLAN 2007, hardcover, naam voorin, bevat vlekjes / name on first page, small stains € 75.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Personal Memoirs of Uly... Grant, Ulysses S. The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant Konecky Konecky 1994, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar, vlekjes op boekblok / small stains € 25.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Phoenicians Sabatino Moscati The Phoenicians Bompiani 1988, paperback, leessporen € 10.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Piccolomini Library in ... Cecchi, Alessandro The Piccolomini Library in the Cathedral of Siena Scala Firenze 1982, paperback, wat gebruikssporen aan kaft € 5.00
€ 3,80
Louis Tinner
The Picts / A History Clarkson, Tim The Picts / A History Birlinn 2013, paperback, mooi exemplaar € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
Millar, Ronald - The Piltdown Men Millar, Ronald The Piltdown Men St Martin's Press 1972, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar, naam voorin / name on first page € 10.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Plantagenet Chronicles Hallam, Elizabeth The Plantagenet Chronicles Papermac 1988, softcover, goed exemplaar € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Pleasure of Discernment... Thysell, Carol The Pleasure of Discernment / Marguerite de Navarre as Theologian Oxford University Press Inc 2000, hardcover with dust jacket, good copy € 12.50
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Political Development o... Frame, Robin The Political Development of the British Isles 1100-1400 Oxford University Press / An Opus Book 1990, paperback, goed exemplaar / good copy € 10.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Politics of Good Intent... Runciman, David The Politics of Good Intentions - Princeton University Press 2006, 224pp, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Polonnaruva Period Saparamadu, S.D. The Polonnaruva Period Tisara Prakasakayo 1973, original paperback, now bound in faux leather cover, good copy € 15.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Pope's Daughter / The E... Murphy, Caroline P. The Pope's Daughter / The Extraordinary Life of Felice della Rovere Oxford Univ Pr on Demand 2005, hardcover with dust jacket, good copy € 9.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Post-American World Zakaria, Fareed The Post-American World W W NORTON CO 2008, 292pp, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar € 10.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Power and the Glitter:T... Brownstein, Ronald The Power and the Glitter:The Hollywood-Washington Connection Pantheon 1990, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar, naam voorin / good copy, name on first page € 15.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Power Game / How Washin... Smith, Hendrick The Power Game / How Washington Works Collins 1988, hardcover met stofomslag, lichte gebruikssporen / some wear € 10.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Power to Silence: A His... Babington, Anthony The Power to Silence: A History of Punishment in Britain Robert Maxwell 1968, hardcover, gebruikssporen aan stofomslag / wear on dustjacket € 10.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The Predator State / How Co... Galbraith, James K. The Predator State / How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and Why Liberals Should Too Free Press 2008, 221pp, hardcover met stofomslag, goed exemplaar € 15.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner
The prehistory of The Nethe... Kooijmans, L.P.L. The prehistory of The Netherlands / 2 volumes, complete set Amsterdam University Press 2005, 2 x hardcover with dust jacket, very good copies, bookplate in first page € 60.00
€ 5,99
Louis Tinner
The Presidency / EU 2004 Rozenburg, Roel, Crone, Werry The Presidency / EU 2004 HannaBoek 2005, 148pp, hardcover, goed exemplaar, lichte gebruikssporen aan kaft € 8.00
€ 3,95
Louis Tinner

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