Alle boeken van Ovidius uit Bredevoort


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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
A Better Understanding of O... Algera, T.J.. A Better Understanding of Orthodontic Bracket Bonding. (meer info) Ponsen & Looijen.. Wageningen.Ponsen & Looijen..2009.Pap..127pp..Diss./Thesis. Blibliogr.. € 11.00 Ovidius
A Better Understanding of O... Algera, T.J.. A Better Understanding of Orthodontic Bracket Bonding. (meer info) Ponsen & Looijen. Wageningen.Ponsen & Looijen.2009.Pap.127pp..Diss./Thesis. Blibliogr.. € 12.00 Ovidius
A Bibliographical Guide to ... Chase, Frank H.. A Bibliographical Guide to Old English Syntax. Buchhandlung Gustav Fock LeipzigBuchhandlung Gustav Fock1896Paper, stapledVery good; cover worn and chipped at the edges. € 35.00 Ovidius
A Bibliography of the music... Hopkinson, Cecil A Bibliography of the musical and literary works of Hector Berlioz 1803 - 1869 with histories of the French music publishers concerned.second edition incorporating the author's additions and corrections. Edited by Richard MacNutt. R. Macnutt. Second edition 1980. R. Macnutt. Second edition 1980.Hardcover. Spine repaired. Xix,230pp. € 17.00 Ovidius
A Bibliography Of Vico In E... Giorgio Tagliacozzo; Donald Phillip Verene; Vanessa Rumble A Bibliography Of Vico In English 1884-1984 Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, 1986. Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, 1986.Cloth. Go... € 22.00 Ovidius
A Bilanteral Bicentennial. ... Schulte Nordholt, J.W. and robert P.Swierenga. A Bilanteral Bicentennial. A History of Dutch-American relations, 1782-1982. Octagon Books and Meulenhoff. Amsterdam.Octagon Books and Meulenhoff.1982.Pap.viii,279pp..Illustr.. Index.. € 11.00 Ovidius
A Book of Memories. Nadas, Peter. A Book of Memories. London, Jonathan Cape. London, Jonathan Cape.1997.Hardcover with d.j..705pp. € 12.00 Ovidius
A Botanical Excursion in th... Bo Gyllensvärd. A Botanical Excursion in the Kempe Collection. Reprinted from the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities No 37, 1965. Pages 165-188. 24 Plates. Stockholm, 1965. Stockholm, 1965.Hleather. Very good. € 36.00 Ovidius
A Brief Histor of India. Daniélou, Alain.. A Brief Histor of India. (meer info) Inner Traditions. Rochester, Vermont.Inner Traditions.2003.Or.hcloth with d.j..viii,376pp..Bibliogr.. Index.. Over 40 ... € 13.00 Ovidius
A brief history of time. Fr... Hawking, Stephen W. A brief history of time. From the big bang to black holes. Introduction by Carl Sagan Bantam Press. Reprinted. 1988. Bantam Press. Reprinted. 1988.Hardcover with dustjacket. Good. X,198pp. € 10.00 Ovidius
A Brief Introduction to the... Swan, Terry A Brief Introduction to the Psychology of Religion Essence Publishing 006. Essence Publishing 006.Paperback. Good.182pp.1 page with marging in the margin. € 13.00 Ovidius
A brief tour of human conci... Ramachandran, V.S. A brief tour of human conciousness. From Imposter Poodles to Purple Numbers. PI Press. New York.PI Press.second printing.2004.Or.hardcover with d,.j..xiv,192pp.Fits 21 pages Light Underli... € 12.00 Ovidius
A Briefer History of Time Hawking , Stephen W. & Leonard Mlodinow A Briefer History of Time Bantam Books. 2008. Bantam Books. 2008.Paperback. Good. 162pp. € 15.00 Ovidius
A Canterbury tale: experien... Cogley, John. A Canterbury tale: experiences and reflections, 1916-1976. The Seabury Press, N. Y.1976. The Seabury Press, N. Y.1976.Hardcover. Ix,126pp.Some handwriting on first free endpaper. € 9.00 Ovidius
A Cappella Music In The Pub... Ferguson, Everett A Cappella Music In The Public Worship Of The Church Desert Willow Publishing 2013, Fourth edition. Desert Willow Publishing 2013, Fourth edition.Paperback. Very good. 140pp.. € 14.00 Ovidius
A Captive of time. My years... Ivinskaya, Olga.. A Captive of time. My years with Pasternak. The Memoirs of Olga Ivinskaya. (meer info) Collins and Harvill Press. London.Collins and Harvill Press.1978.Hardcover with d.j..xl,488pp.Illustr.. Index.. € 11.00 Ovidius
A Career in International E... Weele, A.J. ven der.. A Career in International Education. Een loopbaan in het Internationaal Onderwijs. Tribute to Prof Ir. A.J.vab der Weele. Rector of the ITC 1965-1979. Huldeblijk aan Prof. Ir. A.J.van der Weele. Rector van het ITC 1965-1979. (meer info) International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC). Enschede, The Netherlands.International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC).1979.Pa... € 8.00 Ovidius
A casebook of Military Myst... Lamont Brown, Raymond. A casebook of Military Mystery. Patrick Stephens. Cambridge.Patrick Stephens.First edition.1974.Or.boards.184pp.Illustr.. Bibliogr.. Index.. € 10.00 Ovidius
A Century in Oil : The "She... Howarth, Stephen. A Century in Oil : The "Shell" Transport and Trading Company 1897-1997. weidenfeld & Nicolson London. weidenfeld & Nicolson London.1997.Cloth with d.j. Fine.397pp. € 17.00 Ovidius
A Century in Oil. The Shell... Howarth, Stephen.. A Century in Oil. The Shell Transport and Trading Company 1897-1997. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. London.Weidenfeld & Nicolson.1997.Or.cloth with d.j..397pp..Illustr.. Index.. € 15.00 Ovidius
A Century of Locomotive Bui... Warren, J.G.H.. A Century of Locomotive Building: By Robert Stephenson & Co 1823/1923. David Charles Reprints. Reprint 1970. David Charles Reprints. Reprint 1970.Hardcover with dustwrapper. Good. Xiii,461pp.Former owmer name ... € 30.00 Ovidius
A Century of Mathematics in... Duren, Peter (ed.), with the Assistance of Richard A. Askey & Uta C. Merzbach A Century of Mathematics in America. 3 volumes. American Mathematical Society, 1988/89. American Mathematical Society, 1988/89.Hardcover. Very good. Viii,477;x,585;ix,675pp. € 120.00 Ovidius
A Chinese-English Dictionary. Giles, Herbert A. A Chinese-English Dictionary. (meer info) Paragon Book Reprint Corp. NY. Paragon Book Reprint Corp. NY.Hardcover. Very good.cviii,840;841-1711pp.. € 160.00 Ovidius
A Chronicle of Conflict: To... Steen, Charlie R.. A Chronicle of Conflict: Tournai, 1559-1567. Utrecht, Hes Publishers, 1985. Utrecht, Hes Publishers, 1985.Paperback. Good. V,190pp.. € 15.00 Ovidius
A Chronicle of Conflict: To... Steen, Charlie R.. A Chronicle of Conflict: Tournai, 1559-1567. Utrecht, Hes Publishers, 1985. Utrecht, Hes Publishers, 1985.Paperback. Good. V,190pp.. € 15.00 Ovidius
A Chronicle of the French R... A Chronicle of the French Revolution. Simon Schama. 1989. Knopf. Hardcover with dust jacket. xix,948pp.. Small text and name with pen on first free endpaper. (meer info) Redelijk € 18.00 Ovidius
A Classical Introduction to... Ireland, Kenneth-Rosen, Michael A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory. Second Edition. (Graduate texts in mathematics, vol.84) Springer-Verlag. Second edition. 1993. Springer-Verlag. Second edition. 1993.Hardcover. Very good. Xiv,389pp. € 50.00 Ovidius
A Classical Introduction to... Ireland, Kenneth; Rosen, Michael A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory.Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 84 Springer-Verlag. 1982. Springer-Verlag. 1982.Hardcover. Very good. Xiii,341pp.. € 40.00 Ovidius
A Classical Invitation to A... Cohn, Harvey. A Classical Invitation to Algebraic Numbers and Class Fields . Universitext Springer-Verlag. 1978. Springer-Verlag. 1978.Paperback. Good. Xiii,328pp.. € 28.00 Ovidius
A Clergyman's Daughter Orwell, George A Clergyman's Daughter Harvest Book. Harcourt. Harvest Book. Harcourt.Paperback. Goed. 320pp. € 9.00 Ovidius
A. Clevely en Katherine Ric... A. Clevely en Katherine Richmond. 1995. Terra. Hardcover. 256pp. Illustr.. (meer info) Goed € 18.00 Ovidius
A Clinical Study on Veneer ... Meijering, Charlotte. A Clinical Study on Veneer Restorations. Proefschrift. Groningen. 1997. Groningen. 1997.Paperback. Good. 179pp. € 14.00 Ovidius
A Cognitive Neuropsychologi... Anne Whitworth;David Howard A Cognitive Neuropsychological Approach to Assessment and Intervention in Aphasia (meer info) Fine state € 30.00 Ovidius
A Cognitive Theory of the F... Nooteboom, Bart A Cognitive Theory of the Firm: Learning, Governance and Dynamic Capabilities Edward Elgar. 2010. Edward Elgar. 2010.Paperback. Good. Xiv,280pp.Formetowner name on titelpage. € 70.00 Ovidius
A Collection of Problems on... Berry, J. A Collection of Problems on Complex Analysis. (meer info) Pergamon Press. Pergamon Press.1965.Hardcover.x,428pp. € 18.00 Ovidius
A collector's history of En... Lewis, Griselda.. A collector's history of English Pottery. The Viking Press. A Studio Book. New York.The Viking Press. A Studio Book.1969.Or.cloth with d.j..221pp.Illustr.. € 13.00 Ovidius
A colour atlas of Paediatrics. Dynski-Klein, Martha. A colour atlas of Paediatrics. (meer info) 68017 € 10.00 Ovidius
A Commentary on Hesiod: Wor... Verdenius, W J A Commentary on Hesiod: Works and Days, VV. 1-382 . E.J.Brill. 1985. E.J.Brill. 1985.Paperback. Very good. X,190pp. € 180.00 Ovidius
A Commentary on the Satires... COURTNEY, E. A Commentary on the Satires of Juvenal The Athlone Press, 1980. The Athlone Press, 1980.Hardcover with dust jacket. Very good.x,650pp.. € 62.00 Ovidius
A Companion To American Fic... Samuels;Shirley Samuels A Companion To American Fiction 1780-1865 (meer info) Goed € 80.00 Ovidius
A Companion to Asian Americ... Kent A. Ono;Kent A. Ono A Companion to Asian American Studies (meer info) Goed € 32.00 Ovidius
A companion to Bioethics SINGER, PETER & KUHSE, HELGA A companion to Bioethics Blackwell. 2001. Blackwell. 2001.Paperback. Lichte gebruiksporen.xv,512pp. € 15.00 Ovidius
A Companion to Epistemology DANCY, JONATHAN AND ERNEST SOSA A Companion to Epistemology (meer info) Blackwell. 1992. Blackwell. 1992.Hardcover with dustjacket. Good. Xv,541pp.. € 40.00 Ovidius
A Companion to Feminist Geo... Lise Nelson;Lise Nelson;Joni Seager;Joni Seager A Companion to Feminist Geography (meer info) Goed € 140.00 Ovidius
A Companion to Greek Litera... Hose Martin/ Schenker David A Companion to Greek Literature . Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World. Wiley-Blackwell. 2016. Wiley-Blackwell. 2016.Hardcover. Fine. Xix,552pp.. € 70.00 Ovidius
A Companion to Late Antiqui... Rousseau, Philip A Companion to Late Antiquity . Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World). Wiley-Blackwell 2012 . Wiley-Blackwell 2012 .Paperback. Very good. Xxiv,709pp.. € 34.00 Ovidius
A Companion to Modern and C... J. Debbaut. M. Verhulst. A Companion to Modern and Contemporary Art. Van Abbemuseum 2002. Van Abbemuseum 2002.Hardcover with dustwrapper. Very good. 200pp.. € 16.00 Ovidius
A Companion to Shakespeare ... GRANVILLE-BARKER, HARLEY; HARRISON G. B. A Companion to Shakespeare Studies. Cambridge at the University Press, 1946, Reprinted. Cambridge at the University Press, 1946, Reprinted.Cloth.x,410pp. Name on titlepage. € 12.00 Ovidius
A Companion To The American... John B. Boles;John B. Boles A Companion To The American South (meer info) Fine state € 32.00 Ovidius
A Comparative Study of the ... Chang, Kun.. A Comparative Study of the Kathinavastu. (meer info) Mouton & Co. 's-Gravenhage.Mouton & Co.1957.Or.cloth.120pp. € 20.00 Ovidius

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