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| Pagina : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 73 |

Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Adam en Lili Met portret va... Osselen-van Delden, Mevr. van Adam en Lili Met portret van de Schrijfster (Moore Serie) Amsterdam, Allert de Lange, [1912] Eerste druk, 223, (3) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd linnen. Krassen op schutblad, verder mooi exemp... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Adventures in Holland The S... Virginia Olcott and Whitemore, Constance (ills.) Adventures in Holland The Story of Klaas and Jansje The World's Childrens Series New York, Grosset & Dunlap, 1953 152 pp., bound in pictorial cloth. Age toning and light wear on head/tail spine, fine copy. Ills. in... € 30.00
€ 4,25
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Greenwood, Ted - Aelfred Greenwood, Ted Aelfred London/Sydney/Melbourne/Singapore, Angus and Robertson, 1971 (59) pp. bound in pictorial cloth with dust jacket. Some shelf wear, fine copy. Illustrations in col... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Aesop's Fables Aesop and Rackham, Arthur (ills.) Aesop's Fables London, William Heinemann Ltd, 1974 223 pp., bound in cloth and pictorial dust jacket. Jacket price-clipped, edges jacket rubbed, top/b... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Aesop's Fables Illustrated ... Aesop, Charles Robinson (ills.), Robert Anning Bell (decorated endpapers), Grace Rhys (introductory verse) Aesop's Fables Illustrated by Charles Robinson London, The Minerva Press and Hunkydory Designs, 1974 (54) pp., bound in green cloth with gilt illustration and pictorial dust jacket. Light wear on dust ... € 30.00
€ 4,25
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Afdankertjes Bertrand, Frederique Afdankertjes Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Luister, 1998 (38) pp., gebonden inn geillustreerd karton. Bijna zo goed als nieuw. Ills. in kleur. 21 x 20 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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After Dark Baum, Louis and Varley, Susan (ills.) After Dark London, Andersen Press, 1984 (30) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Light shelf wear, fine copy. Ills. in colour. 24 x 20 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Aibolit Fairy Tales Chukovsky, Korney Aibolit Fairy Tales Minsk, Publishing House Narodnaya Asveta, 1976 143 pp., bound in half cloth and pictorial boards. Wear on boards, age toning and name in pen on tit... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Aids you can't catch it hol... Saint Phalle, Niki de Aids you can't catch it holding hands San Francisco and Santa Monica, The Lapis Press, 1987 Second printing, 52 pp., bound in pictorial boards. Shelfwear and age toning, very good copy. 25 x 2... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Ajbolit Tsjoekovski, K.I. (Chunovsky, I.) and V.V. Dovjan (ills.) Ajbolit Minsk, Narodnaya Asveta, 1976 143 pp., half decorated cloth and decorated boards. In very good condition. Many illustrations in co... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Al fin Serafin Kinderverse ... Husler, Silvia Al fin Serafin Kinderverse aus viele Lander Zurich, Atlantis Kinderbucher/Verlag Pro Juventute/Unicef, 1993 (48) pp., pictorial boards. Light shelf wear, fine copy. ills. in colour. 28 x 21 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Aladdin and his Magic Lamp Pavlin, J and Seda, G. (ills.) Aladdin and his Magic Lamp London, Octopus Books Limited, 1979 112 pp., 6 pop-ups, bound in pictorial boards. Age toning and shelf wear, extremities of pages a bit... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Aladdin and the Magic Lamp ... Griffith, Linda (ills.) Aladdin and the Magic Lamp A Peepshow Book London Toronto, Chatto & Windus Clarke Irwin & Co, 1979 Five peepshow scenes in pictorial boards with red ribbons. Light wear on boards, fine copy. 17 x 14... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Aladdin en de wonderlamp Pullman, Philip en Sophie Williams Aladdin en de wonderlamp Zeist, Uitgeverij Christofoor, 2004 (68) pp., gebonden in half linnen en geillustreerd karton. Mooi exemplaar met illustraties in kleur.... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Aladin en de Wonder-Schalmei Mathot, Jos en Piet, Frans (ills.) Aladin en de Wonder-Schalmei Haarlem Drukkerij en Uitgeverij Jos Mathot, [194?] 56, (1), gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Ills. in zwart-wit. Goed exemplaar. 19 x 14 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Aladino cuento de las mil y... Ramires, Pabo (ills.) Aladino cuento de las mil y una noches Barcelona, Editorial Molina, 1958 First edition, 31 pp. bound in pictorial boards with dust jacket. Edges jacket quite rubbed, age ton... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Alban Et hundeliv fortalt f... Lindgren, Barbro (translation Asta Hoff-Jorgensen Alban Et hundeliv fortalt for sma hvalpe [Copenhagen], Gyldendal, 1973 28 pp., bound in pictorial boards, Boards a bit yellowed, very good copy. Illustrations in colour. 2... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Albin helpt een handje Lofgren, Ulf en Marianne Keser (vertaling) Albin helpt een handje Helmond Antwerpen, Uitgeverij Helmond Standaard Uitgeverij, [1975] (23) pp., gebonden in geïllustreerd karton. Goed exemplaar. Ills. in kleur. 24 x 28 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Alexander und die Aufziehmaus Lionni, Leo Alexander und die Aufziehmaus Koln, Gertrud Middelhauve Verlag, 1981 13. Auflage, 29 pp., paperback. Very good. illustrations in colour. 22 x 17 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Alfabemizde Gezinti Kaymak, Ali and Kum, Burhan Alfabemizde Gezinti The Hague, Nederlands Bibliotheek en Lektuurcentrum, 1986 67 pp., bound in pictorial boards. Age toning and shelf wear, fine copy. Ills. in colour. 18 x 13 cm... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Hughes, Shirley - Alfie's voeten Hughes, Shirley Alfie's voeten Antwerpen Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Vries-Brouwers p.v.b.a, 1983, Eerste druk, (29) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Mooi exemplaar. Ills. in kleur. 29 x 22 cm. € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Schermele, Willy - Ali Baba Schermele, Willy Ali Baba zonder plaats, zonder uitgever, [194?] 10 pp., geniet in geillustreerd karton. mooi exemplaar. Ills. in kleur. 22 x 19 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Ali Baba en andere verhalen... Blaauw, Henriette, Frans van Noorden (ills.) en Johanna Coster (bandillustratie) Ali Baba en andere verhalen opnieuw verteld door Henriette Blaauw Alkmaar, N.V. Uitgeversmij. [1931] 80 pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Goed exemplaar. Frontispiece in zwart/wit. 18 x 14 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Ali Ben Ali Verite, Marcelle and Ivanovsky, Elisabeth (ills.) translation Jan Vercammen Ali Ben Ali Brussel/Amsterdam, De Kinkhoren/Desclee De Brouwer, 1948 21 pp., stapled in stiff paper with pictorial wrappers. Name in pen on front cover (small), wrapper... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Alice and Aldo  A Little Ar... Lester, Alison Alice and Aldo A Little Ark Book St. Leonards, Allen & Unwin, 1996 (31) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Light shelf wear and age toning, fine copy. Ills. in coour. 22 ... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Alice au Pays des Merveille... Carroll, Lewis and Johnson, Richard (ills.) French Text by Sabine Minssieux. Paper engineering by Andy Mansfielld Alice au Pays des Merveilles Un livre en 3D avec des sons Paris, Editions Quatre Fleuves, 2011 16 pp., bound in pictorial boards. Light wear on head/foot spine, very small chip from 1 page. Very ... € 10.00
€ 6,95
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Alice in Soepenland (Alice ... [Carroll, Lewis] Alice in Soepenland (Alice Colouring Contest) Amsterdam, Maggi, 1957 16 pp., stapled in pictorial stiff paper wrappers. First and last last page loose, 5 illustrations c... € 45.00
€ 4,25
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Alice in Spiegelland Carroll, Lewis en Helen Oxenbury (ills.) Vertaling Sofia Engelsman Alice in Spiegelland Haarlem, Gottmer, 2006 226, (2) pp., gebonden in gelamineerd geillustreerd karton. Mooi exemplaar. Ills. in kleur. 24 x 20 ... € 10.00
€ 6,95
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Alice in Spiegelland Carroll, Lewis en Helen Oxenbury (ills.) Vertaling Sofia Engelsman Alice in Spiegelland Haarlem, Gottmer, 2006 226, (2) pp., gebonden in gelamineerd geillustreerd karton met stofomslag. Hoekje band beschadigd, o... € 10.00
€ 6,95
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Alice in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis and Andrea, Pat (ills.) Alice in Wonderland Harderwijk, De Jonge Hond, 2008 140, (11), sewn in french folded pictorial stiff paper wrappers. Light shelf wear, Fine copy. Ills.... € 15.00
€ 6,95
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Alice in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis (inspired by) and Adreani, Manuala (ills.) Alice in Wonderland Novara, White Star Kids, 2014 79 pp., hard copy. As good as new. Many illustrations in colour, full-page and in the text. 37 x 29 ... € 25.00
€ 6,95
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Alice in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis and Cloke, Rene (ills.) Alice in Wonderland Leeuwarden, Uitgeverij Libre BV, 2010 89 pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Goed exemplaar, rug enigszins verkleurd, lichte sporen ach... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Alice in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis (naar) Ravlin, J. en Seda, G. (ills.) Alice in Wonderland [Noordwijkerhout], Rebo Productions, 1992 12 pp., inclusief verso en recto platten, gebonden in geillustreerd karton. IN goede staat, ook de 6... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Alice in Wonderland Carroll, L., en Johanna van Munching (opnieuw verteld door) Alice in Wonderland (meer info) Antwerpen, A. van Gelder, no date 62, (1) pp. bound in boards with paste on title illustration. Head and tail spine repaired with Film... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Alice in Wonderland  Puzzel... Carroll, Lewis, Tenniel, John (ills.) Matsier, Nicolaas (vertaling) Alice in Wonderland Puzzelboek Met zeven puzzels van 48 stukjes Amsterdam, Van Goor, 2000 (16) pp. karton, gebonden in geillusteerd karton. Mooi en compleet exemplaar. 28 x 22 cm. € 10.00
€ 6,95
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Alice in Wonderland  Sprook... Carroll, Lewis (naar) en Ibarra, A. (ills.) Alice in Wonderland Sprookjes Serie zonder plaats, Uitgeverij EVA, 1976 12 pp., includief omslag, stevig geillustreerd papier, geniet. Omslag beduimeld, bovenkant rug bepla... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Alice in Wonderland A Class... Carroll, Lewis and Johnson, Richard (ills.) Retold by Libby Hamilton Paper engineering by Andy Mansfielld Alice in Wonderland A Classic Story Pop-up Book with Sounds Dorking, Templar Publishing, 2010 16 pp., bound in pictorial boards. Very fine copy. Six large pop-ups. 'Soundmachine' needs a new bat... € 45.00
€ 6,95
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Alice in Wonderland Een pop... Carroll, Lewis Alice in Wonderland Een pop-up verhaal Sint Niklaas, Flash, 2000 8 pp., inclusief verso en recto platten, gebonden in geillustreerd karton. In goede staat, ook de 4 ... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Alice in Wonderland en in S... Carroll, Lewis, HAmmerle, Susa (naverteld door) en Brigitte Smith (ills.) Alice in Wonderland en in Spiegelland Apeldoorn, Uitgeverij De Eekhoorn, 1994 93, (2) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Mooi exemplaar. Ills. in kleur. 24 x 23 cm. € 10.00
€ 6,95
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Alice in Wonderland First S... Carroll, Lewis (after) Moutarde, Colonel (ills.) Alice in Wonderland First Stories With push- and pull slides London, Campbell, 2015 10 pp. cardboard, incl. covers. Almost as good as new. Ills. in colour. 18 x 18 cm. € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Alice in Wonderland Naverte... Carroll, Lewis, John Tenniel (ills.) en Veronica van Vliet (bandillustratie) Alice in Wonderland Naverteld door P. de Zeeuw J. Gzn. Den Haag, Van Goor Zonen, 1974 Achtste druk, 120 pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Goed exemplaar. Ills. in zwart-wit. 22 x 15... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Alice in wonderland Puzzel ... Lewis Carroll and Tenniel, John (ills.) (translation Nicolaas Matsier) Alice in wonderland Puzzel boek Met zeven puzzels van 48 stukjes Amsterdam, Van Goor, 2000 16 pp. board. Complete and in very fine condition. 27 x 22 cm. € 10.00
€ 6,95
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Alice's Adventures in Wonde... Carroll, Lewis and Tenniel, John (ills.) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland A Puffin Story Book PS35 London New York, Penguin Books, 1946 First in this edition, 168 pp., paperback with pictorial stiff paper wrappers. Light wear on wrapper... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Alice's Adventures in Wonde... Carroll, Lewis and Thorne, Jenny after Tenniel, John (ills.) Design by John Strejan Paper engineer James Roger Diaz Alice's Adventures in Wonderland A MacMillan Pop-up Book London and Basingstoke, MacMillan Children's Books, 1994 Reprint, 12 pp., bound in pictorial boards. Light shelf wear and age toning, fine copy with all pop-... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Alice's Adventure's in Wond... Carroll, Lewis and Rose Art Studios Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland Giant 3-D Fairy Tale Books Leicester, Brown Watson Ltd, [ca. 1970] (8) pp., including verso and recto boards, pictorial cardboard. With a 3-D illustration pasted on th... € 45.00
€ 4,25
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Alice's Adventures in Wonde... Carroll, Lewis, and Tenniel, John (ills.) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Through the Looking Glass Puffin Book PS169 Harmondsworth Baltimore Ringwood, Penguin Books, 1966 Third reprint in this editon, 345, (6) pp., paperback with pictorial stiff paper warppers. Light wea... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Alice's Avonturen in Wonder... Carroll, Lewis, M.C. van Oven-Doorn (opnieuw verteld door), John Tenniel (ills.) en ROOTHCIV (cover illustration) Alice's Avonturen in Wonderland Serie Oud Goud 's-Gravenhage Djakarta, G.B. van Goor Zonen's Uitgeversmaatschappij N.V., [1953] 120 pp., gebonden in half linnen en geïllustreerd karton. Naam in pen op schutblad, gebruikersspore... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Alice's Pop-Up Theatre Book... Denchfield, Nick (paper engineering) and Vining, Alex (ills.) Lewis Carroll and John Tenniel Alice's Pop-Up Theatre Book Bring Wonderland to Life! with six amazing pop-up scenes and over 30 press-out pieces St. Helens, The Book People Ltd, 2002 Light shelf wear, head/tail spine rubbed. Six pop-up scenes, book with 30 press-out characters and ... € 45.00
€ 6,95
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All Kinds of Families Simon, Norma and Joe Lasker (ills.) All Kinds of Families Chicago, Albert Whitman & Company, 1977 Second printing, (36) pp., bound in pictorial boards. Light wear, very good copy. Ills. in colour. 2... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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All the day long Fortis De Hieronymis, Elve All the day long London, Methuen Children's Books, 1972 First British edition, 28 pp. bound in pictorial boards. Some age-toning and shelf wear, very small ... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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